382 And this-why, he was red in vain, Or black-poor fellow that is blue! What fancy was it turned your brain? Oh, women were the prize for you! Money gets women, cards and dice Get money, and ill luck gets just The copper couch and one clear nice Cool squirt of water o'er your bust, The right thing to extinguish lust! It's wiser being good than bad: It's safer being meek than fierce: It's fitter being sane than mad. My own hope is, a sun will pierce The thickest cloud earth ever stretched; That, after Last, returns the First, Though a wide compass round be fetched; That what began best, can't end worst, Nor what God blessed once, prove accurst. -BROWNING: Dramatis Persona. THE DIFFERENCE. In the parting glow of the summer sun, Close to the heart that had loved her so well, Its hope in another's song- Into the dark of dusky blue! Her trembling hand fell away from my arm; I seized her hand and looked down in her eyes, Can life know moments so fleeting and blest! In the parting glow of the winter sun, Close to the heart that was breaking with pain, On earth I could hold her so- Lying out in the bitter cold. I murmured her name in passionate tones; Then I kissed once more her pallid, still brow, Ever sounds in my soul sad memory's strain! You will go! then no faintings! Give me the light, And follow my footsteps!-my heart will lead right! Ah, God! what is here? a great heap of the slain, All mangled and gory !-What horrible pain These beings have died in! Dear mothers, ye weep, Ye weep, oh, ye weep o'er this terrible sleep! More! more! Ah! I thought I could nevermore know Grief, horror, or pity for aught here below, From eyes so fast glazing—Oh, my darling, my own, My hands were both idle when you died alone! He's dying-he's dead!-close his lids-let us go. God's peace on his soul!-If we only could know Where our own dear one lies!-My soul has turned sick! Must we crawl o'er these bodies strewn here so thick? I cannot! I cannot! How eager you are! He's not here-and not here!-What wild hopes flash, through My thoughts, as foot-deep I stand in this dread dew Upturned toward me there, so rigid and white! Is dimmed with these horrors.-My son! oh, my son! Would I had died for thee, my own, only one! There, lift off your arms; let him come to the breast Where first he was lulled, with my soul's hymn, to rest! Your heart never thrilled to your lover's fond kiss As mine to his baby-touch:--was it for this? He was yours too; he loved you! Yes, yes, you're right! Forgive me, my daughter: I'm maddened to-night! Don't moan so, dear child: you're young, and your years May still hold fair hopes-but the old die of tears! Yes, take him again! ah-don't lay your face there! See, the blood from his wound has stained your loose hair. How quiet you are!-Has she fainted ?—her cheek Her trouble was bitter, but sure mine is worst! last the English edition of this volume of Browning's. It is now brought out in good style by his American publishers. We are not among the special admirers of this poet. The poems before us are too subtle in thought and expression to be fully appreciated. We give a specimen among our poetry, and subjoin here Walter Savage Landor's high praise: "TO ROBERT BROWNING. "There is delight in singing, though none hear The Siren waits thee, singing song for song." Ticknor & Fields. 1864. Still another volume of Poems of the War. By GEORGE H. BOKER. war poems. Most of them too are readable; and some of them possess descriptive and poetic talent of considerable merit. They form a series of battle-pictures, giving many thrilling incidents of the war. "The Sword - Bearer," and the "Battle of New-Orleans," strike us as among the best. The Cliff-Climbers: or, the Lone Home in the Himalayas. A sequel to The Plant-Hunters," by Capt. MAYNE REID, author of "The Desert Home The Boy Hunters," etc. With illustrations. Pp. 304. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. A very fascinating book for boys. Capt. Reid is among the very best of living writers in this field of literature. He instructs while he excites by his marvels of nature. Such books are more healthy than fairy tales, not even excepting "The Arabian Nights." Fireside Travels. By JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, Boston: Ticknor & Fields. 1864. A readable book, and yet hardly worthy of the reputation of the author. Most of the pieces were originally published in Putnam's Monthly, and in Graham's Magazine. Very few magazine contributions will bear reprinting, especially so long after their first appearance. Life of Jean Paul. By Mrs. E. B. LEE. Preceded by his Autobiography. 12mo, with portrait, cloth binding, bevelled boards, gilt top. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. 1864. This is a new and revised edition of the best biography of the great German Keep away from my boy! he's guarded by love!-poet that has ever been published. It is uniform BRIEF LITERARY NOTICES. Marble Isle, Legends of the Round Table, and other Poems. By SALLIE BRIDGES. Philadelphia: Lippincott & Co. 1864. There is much genuine poetry in this little volume, which the publishers have brought out with good taste. We give two fair specimens of the author's style and genius in our poetry department. Dramatis Persona. By ROBERT BROWNING. BOSton: Ticknor & Fields. 1864. We noticed in our in style with the series of Richter's writings published by the same house. We hardly need to add that it is a biography of intense interest. Essays on Social Subjects. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. 1864. The great excellence of the Saturday Review, in our judgment, is its short, condensed, sparkling Essays and Reviews on current subjects and on books. In the latter department, especially, we think it unrivalled. The Essays which make up this volume are all from a single pen, and were originally contributed to that journal. They are on a great variety of subjects; are written with marked ability, and in a lively and striking style. The Hawaiian Islands; their Progress and Con dition under Missionary labors. By RUFUS ANDERSON, D.D., Foreign Secretary of the A. B. C. F. M., with illustrations. Gould & Lincoln, Boston. BRIEF LITERARY NOTICES. [November, Sheldon & Co., New-York. pp. 450. 1864. This | 2 vols. New-York: A. A. Constantine. 1864. This is a full and interesting report of Dr. Anderson's is a new and revised edition of a well known and personal observations and inquiries in his recent valuable work which has already had a very extenvisit to the Sandwich Islands. The high character sive sale. The title indicates its scope and purpose, of the author, the history of these Islands as a mis- and the author has executed his task with judgsionary field and the results of missionary labor ment and ability. No one can read the array of there, and the various matters embraced in the report, make it a timely and highly valuable work. Hand of God" as the controlling power in human facts here presented and fail to recognize "the The condition of these Islands to-day, contrasted affairs. with their condition forty years ago, when they were sunk in the lowest barbarism and is matter of devout gratitude to God. And this sensuality, marvellous change in the social, political, physical, and religious state of this people, is wholly the fruit of missionary labor performed by American missionaries. Such an illustration of the power of the Gospel to reform and elevate, civilize and Christianize nations as well as individuals, ought not to be lost on the world. Emily Chester. A Novel. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. 12mo, pp. 367. 1864. This is no ordinary work of fiction. It is wholly an American work. It is destitute of plot. It has few characters; embraces but few incidents. The story is simple, natural, and the narrative flows quietly and evenly on to its close. And not even the author of it is given. Still it enchains the reader's attention to the last, and makes a deep impression. Emily Chester was a lady of Baltimore, born to affluence, and possessed of great personal beauty, and of a high order of mental endowment and culture. She was ardently loved by two men of very superior qualities, though very unlike, and the love of each was warmly reciprocated though in a different way. Her love for the one was an intellectual love the dominion of mind over mind; her love for the other was a social passion in whom all the sympathies and social and aesthetic tastes of her nature were met and gratified in an eminent degree. Both declare their love, and both are rejected. Reduced to poverty and obliged to struggle for a support, under very peculiar circumstances she yields and marries her intellectual love; but the unconquerable physical and social repulsion which she feels towards him makes her married life every taste. a very wretched one, although she is a very queen in New-York society, and her husband indulges her And to add to the trial, her other lover is thrown into her society again, and all her love for him, which she had thought quenched, revives and is intensified by her situation and surroundings. And here begins a conflict-a conflict between Duty and Passion-a conflict of profound intensity and doubtful issue, taxing human will and virtue to its very uttermost-and which is portrayed in a natural and lifelike way, keeping up the reader's interest to the end. But Duty at length wins, so far, at least, as to keep her true to her husband; but the struggle is too much for her physical frame to bear, and she goes down rapidly into the grave -a martyr to conjugal propriety and an ill-assorted marriage. This meagre outline does no justice to the book. It has its faults-faults which touch the very structure and philosophy of the novel-but it is the freshest and most original and interesting American work of fiction that we have seen in many a day. The Hand of God in History; or, Divine Providence Historically Illustrated in the Extension and Establishment of Christianity. By HOLLIS REED. was, as she Is, and as she Shall Be. Her Curse The Negro Problem Solved; or, Africa as she and her Cure. The same author and publisher as above. 12mo, pp. 418. 1864. The title of this book is a little too ambitious. No finite mind is as yet equal to the task of solving this problem-certainly history presents. The theme of the book is, howone of the greatest and most difficult which human ever, of peculiar and intense interest at the present the problem in connection with the greatest war time. God himself, it would seem, is fast solving of modern times. The author does little more than present the workings and results of Providence in the past and present history and condition of Afrihaste in preparation, it yet contains a large amount ca and her races. While the volume shows some of facts, many of them new to the majority of readers, and all of them bearing more or less directly has God dealt more wonderfully and mysteriously; on the future of Africa. With no nation on earth and judging from the analogies of Providence, a bright and signal destiny is in store for her. The solution of the problem, according to our author, is to be found in voluntary colonization, in the development of an African nationality, and in the influWe warmly commend the work as a timely and ence of commerce, valuable contribution towards solving a problem, and especially of Christianity. in interest and importance second to none which at present agitates the world. Mr. Constantine, and is himself thoroughly informed in regard to the publisher, was for years a missionary to Africa, her present condition and the demands of the times upon the friends of this long-abused land and race. Captivité. Nouvelle edition. Par M. P. FAUGÈRE. 2 vols. Paris and London: Hachette & Co. The Mémoires de Madame Rolande, écrits durant sa Memoirs of Madame Roland have often been published. Interesting as an authentic record of the excellence in a literary point of view. We quesGirondist administration and of its struggles with tion whether, in the whole range of memoir literathe Jacobins, they have likewise the merit of high ture, there could be found pages more fresh, more cheerful, more life-like, than those autobiographical fragments written in a Paris prison, with the guillotine in the distance, and the murky atmosphere of the Reign of Terror weighing down Madame Roland's Memoirs, therefore, must always be acceptable, especially when, like M. Faugère's, heavily upon the country. A new edition of able documents not within the reach of previous editors. M. Faugère has already established his it offers to us many new features, and many valureputation as a critic by his beautiful edition of Pascal's Thoughts, his essay on Gerson, and other works of the same character; and the volumes now publications had led us to form. He has enjoyed before us fulfil the expectations which his previous special advantages in the execution of his present undertaking, having received in 1846, from Mad itself. It consists of three chapters, giving briefly a view of the state of France from the beginning of the reign of Louis XIV. to the administration of Cardinal Dubois. M. Jobez touches but slightly on military affairs and foreign politics, his object being merely to unfold the causes which told more especially upon public opinion, and brought about the reaction against the arbitrary features of the ancien régime. Thus he has supplied us with ample details on the condition of the Protestants, their sufferings and their heroism. The questions connected with Port-Royal, the Bull Unigenitus, and the Quietists are also thoroughly discussed, and the important measures adopted contrary to the exof notice. The work is to be completed in six volumes, and we are led to hope that the author will ultimately treat in the same manner the history of Louis XVI. up to the meeting of the States-Gen ame Champagneux, the daughter of Madame Ro- | land, the autograph мs. of her mother's memoirs. Since the first edition of this work, the original had remained scrupulously concealed in the family archives, and M. Faugère had made use of it only for the purpose of correcting and annotating his own private copy; but the publication of M. de Lamartine's Histoire des Girondins suggested to Madame Champagneux the idea of giving a new and faithful edition of Madame Roland's autobiography. She felt annoyed at seeing the poet-historian systematically depreciate her father's character by representing him as weak and commonplace, and she accordingly asked M. Faugère to place facts in their true light by reediting and annotat-press will of Louis XIV., receive their due share ing the work. We have here, therefore, the complete text, including a few passages suppressed by M. Bosc, the first editor, as applying to persons then living; notes of every description have been plentifully added, for the purpose of elucidating a number of curious facts; an appendix of letters (chiefly hitherto unpublished) and other papers completes each volume; and, finally, M. Faugère's preface gives us a few judicious remarks on Madame Roland's character, both as a woman and as a writer. sa eral. Die Israeliten zu Mekka von David's Zeit bis ins fünfte Jahrhundert unsrer Zeitrechnung. Von Dr. R. Dozy. Aus dem Hollandischen übersetzt. Leipzig: Engelman. Haarlem: Kruseman. London: Asher & Co. Professor Dozy, the learned Orientalist at Leyden, attempts the solution of a problem which has frequently occupied Biblical critics— What became of the tribe of Simeon? It has been generally remarked that this tribe disappears entirely from the later Jewish history, and it must strike every one that, although the geographical La France sous Louis XV. Par M. ALPHONSE JOBEZ, Ancien Représentant. Tome I. Paris: Didier. The regency of the Duke of Orleans and the reign of Louis XV. form together one of the most interesting and important periods in the history of France. The passage from absolute mon-situation of its territory must have caused it to archy to comparative freedom, the gradual decay of ancient doctrines under the pressure of public opinion, and unblushing effrontery succeeding to hypocrisy and polished corruption-such are the principal features which characterize that epoch, and render it a curious subject for the speculations of the philosopher and the statesman. We forget whether it was of Louis le Bienaimé's government or of that of the Directory, that some writer said: "Ce fut une halte dans la boue;" but if this curt description is made to apply to the reign of Louis XV., we must accept it only with certain qualifications. As far as the political status of France was concerned-its military lustre, its commerce, its relations with the rest of Europe-the expression is true enough; but, on the other hand, it was a period marked by boundless intellectual activity in every branch of science, literature, and speculation. A faithful history of that epoch must, therefore, always be interesting, and the new work of M. Jobez may be read with pleasure, even after those of Lacretelle, Lemontey, and De Tocqueville. The author begins, in his preface, by enumerating the various causes which have been adduced as having led to the revolution of 1789. The aristocracy, the army, and the church occupy respectively standpoints from which they are apt to estimate both men and facts too one-sidedly; and hence, unconsciously perhaps, they misrepresent the evidence placed before them. The best course, accordingly, is to note the grievances alleged by different classes of society, to check the one by the other, and to study history from as many points of view as there are interests at stake. This is what M. Jobez has done, and as his work is clearly and elegantly written, while all his authorities are scrupulously given, it must be pronounced a valuable contribution to modern historical literature. The volume just issued forms only the introduction to the work have gone with Judah upon the partition of Solomon's kingdom, it is never mentioned along with Judah and Benjamin. In the first Book of Chronicles, however (4: 24-43), mention is made of an emigration of the Simeonites, and of their conquest of a Hamite tribe at a place called Gedor. According to our version and the general opinion, this event took place in the reign of Hezekiah. Professor Dozy, however, interprets the original to mean no more than that the documents from which it is derived were committed to writing at that period. He calls attention to the fact that the Simeonites are stated by the Chronicler to have been in occupation of numerous towns until the time of David, and he infers, plausibly enough, that the period of their relinquishing possession was that of their emigration. Mention is also made in the same connection of the Amalekites, who are not otherwise to be traced after the time of David. Having thus determined the period of the event, the Professor next endeavors to fix the locality. According to our version, and many others, the Simeonites "smote their tents, and the habitations that were found there;" but, to say nothing of the obvious tautology, this is neither the reading of the Hebrew nor of the Septuagint, both of which have "the Minoans that were found there." These were undoubtedly an Arab people, and the alteration was made because they were supposed to have been too far south to be the victims of a Jewish incursion. The Professor, however, refuses to take this for granted, and contends with great ingenuity that the place referred to was no other than Mecca. His arguments are chiefly philological. He points out, for example, that the Arab writers allude to the arrival of immigrants, whom they denote by a term evidently derived from the Hebrew; that this word is the same at bottom with Hagar, the mythical ancestress of the SCIENCE. [November, race, that one of the Simeonite princes is called | They embrace a period of twenty-three years, Essai sur la Psychologie de Saint Augustin. Par M. FERRAZ. Paris: Durand. The French Institute has lately had to examine a number of essays on the subject of Saint Augustin's works and influence. The result of this competition, although not yet officially known, is, we believe, finally settled; and it is said that it will satisfy those critics who were dreading the decay of metaphysical studies. We may, of course, look forward to the publication of the most remarkable amongst these disquisitions, and we can only hope that they may equal in merit the volume just issued by M. Ferraz. M. Ferraz has treated only one branch of metaphysics, namely, psychology; but he has done so with praiseworthy care and completeness. Fifteen chapters are devoted to a statement of the Bishop of Hippo's views on the origin and nature of the soul, its faculties, its destiny; on liberty, immortality, imagination, and reason. His analysis, given in the clearest manner, is illustrated by numerous quotations, and in a final chapter he places before the reader a succinct résumé of the whole subject. According to M. Ferraz, Saint Augustin never forgot the influence produced upon him by Plato and by the philosophers of the Alexandrine school; and it may even be said that these thinkers powerfully contributed to bring him back to Christianity, on account of the analogy which he found between their views and Christian doctrines. period of his life, he rejected some opinions which At a later he had entertained in common with his first masters, because he found them to be contrary to religion; but the others he constantly maintained. The influence of Saint Augustin on subsequent philosophers is another point duly developed by M. Ferraz. Descartes borrowed from him his demonstration of the spirituality of the soul. Malebranche claimed the sanction of his authority when he established his distinction between the union of the soul with the body on the one hand, and its union with God on the other. Arnauld, Bossuet, Fénelon, the Port Royalists, and Pascal, likewise adopted many features of the Augustinian system; and if, in some respects, modern philosophers have improved upon the method and the observation of their great predecessor, in others they are decidedly below him. M. Ferraz concludes by indicating the character of sound psychological science, and contends that such a science cannot be complete unless it has for its auxiliaries social observation and physiological research, Saturday Review. Correspondance inédite de Marie-Antoinette, publiée sur les Documents originaux. D'HUNOLSTEIN. Paris: Dentu. The letters pubPar le COMTE lished from the collection of Count d'Hunolstein constitute, as the preface truly says, a complete history of Marie Antoinette, written by herself. beginning with the marriage of the unfortunate princess (1770) and ending in 1792, one year before have already appeared-a fact accounted for by her death. A few of the documents here printed the editor from the circumstance that the queen always took two and sometimes three copies, not only of her own letters, but of important memoirs and dispatches written to her. These copies were distributed to various confidential persons, and thus more than one chance was secured of their reaching the members of her family and the friends to whom she was anxious to communicate the sad episodes of her captivity. notices have been added by Count d'Hunolstein to A few biographical this interesting volume, which confirms all that was previously known about the talents, the energy, and the heroic character of Marie Antoinette. SCIENCE. [THE recent meeting of the British Association" ed. Sir Charles Lyell's opening Address we give in was one of unusual interest, and very largely attendwho had just returned from his African exploraextenso, and also the substance of Dr. Livingstone's, tions. One of the striking features of the meeting was the preponderating interest of geological and geographical investigations. Not only was so eminent a geologist chosen to preside over the meeting, but another scarcely inferior was selected to succeed him at the next meeting, appointed at Birmingham. The presence of Dr. Livingstone, and Captains Speke and Burton, and the interesting account of Lord Milton's and Dr. Cheadle's perilous stimulus to geographical inquiries. The sad and journey across the Rocky Mountains, gave special sudden death of Captain Speke during the sessions, cast a gloom over the meeting. at this meeting, through the enterprise of the Bath We have full reports of the various papers read Chronicle, and regret that the space we have already given to Lyell's and Livingstone's addresses forbids other than a brief note of two or three of them.— ED. ECLECTIC.] elaborate paper entitled "What is the Best Method of Estimating the Nutritive Value of Foods and Dr. Edward Smith read a valuable and very Dietaries," characterized by a very happy blending of theory with practical observation. Mr. Biggs, the secretary, read the following paper from Dr. Phipson, "On the Black Stones which fell from the Atmosphere at Birmingham in 1858." The stones fell in great quantities during a violent storm which broke over the town in the month of August. They were small, angular, and black, tallization. They acted very slightly on a magpresenting here and there a few indications of crys and when finely pulverized were partially soluble netic needle; they gave a lightish-colored streak, in hydrochloric acid. made of them proved that the stones were not aërolites, but small fragments of basaltic rock, simiThe analysis which he had |