160 Sue's Wandering Jew-Railroad from Civita Pulpit in the Nineteenth Century, the,-Fra- Victoria's Ponies, 561; British AntiquitiesMotive Power, 564. Modern Babylon, the, Metropolitan, N Newspaper Press, German, Foreign Quarterly Review, 0 R 339 Recent Revolutions in Hayti,- Foreign 167 OBITUARY: Dr. Hope-Mr. Thomas Campbell, 141; Madame Thierry-James Stuart-Capt. R. Fair, 142; Joseph Bonaparte-Grand Duchess Alexandra of Russia-Lady Anne ScottSamuel Drummond, 287; Duc d'Angoulême, 288; Dr. Heinroth-Joseph Bonaparte-Rev. Henry Francis Cary-George Christian Benecke, 430; John Dalton, D. C. L., F. R. S.Rev. Thomas Gillespie, LL. D., 571; Captain Basil Hall-Francis Bailey-Granville PennRev. Robert Taylor, 572. Oxford Professors of Poetry, -Fraser's Magazine, P 245 378 413 Passages in the Life of a Radical, Quarterly Review, Physiognomy of Serpents, Athenæum, POETRY: The Widow (see Plate); Old Cries, 135; the Rustic Seat, 136; The Waste of Life, 137; The Mesmerist-Sonnet, 138; Feasts of the Poets for September, 1844-Ancient Gentlewoman-Galatea, 280; Queen Elizabeth-A Swiss Melody, 282; The Beautiful and TrueProspective Jubilee on the Banks of the Mersey, 283; Harp of Memnon-Stanzas, 284; The Bush of Southernwood, 421; On the Death of Thomas Campbell, 422; Campbell's Funer al-A Mother's Wail after the Battle-Seashells left by the Tide, 423; The Star and the Angel - Thomas Carlyle - Elopement, 424; Sounds-Latour D'Auvergne, 425; The Maid Quarterly Review, Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon,- 125 201 114, 255, 305, 449 Robespierre, Maximilien, British and Foreign Review, S 204 SCIENCE AND ART: Energiatype, a new Photographic Process, 44; Northern AntiquariesCombustion of Coal, 139; Antiquities-The Tagua Nut, or Vegetable Ivory-Archæological Discoveries-Statistics of the Paris Exposition -Earl of Durham, 140; Old Paintings-Wol laston Pile - Durham Monument - Electric Architecture - Falling Stars Prognostics of 427; John Anderson my Jo-The Libelled Tale of Sacrifice, a, -Asiatic Jourual, 355 Benefactor, 565; The Goldsmith's Daughter, Y 566; Irish Song- Absence - Scenes of my 524 thumous Work, 568. |