AFTER you have read the following letter as many times as I have, you will agree with the writer of it that Mary Hogan did, under the circumstances described, come as near, poor girl, to a lodging in the churchyard as anyone could and yet finally escap going there. Her mother tells the story. By comparing the dates named you wil see how much time the story-short as it is-covers. Every woman in the land whe has children at home will read it with strong interest and pity. For it is the nobilit of mothers that they care more for the young ones in the domestic nest than they d for themselves. Yet the stirring up of a natural sympathy is by no means the bes result of this little tale. For Mary did not die, and we are told why she did not, And it is that bit of information which is going to be preserved in thousands of families, perhaps long after the fingers which now write these words shall be too old and stiff to make an intelligible mark on paper. 'In October, 1883,' says Mrs. Hogan, 'my daughter Mary, then eleven years aid took a severe cold through sitting in her wet clothes at school. After this she con: plained of rheumatic pains in her hands and feet, and of weakness. She got on fair. well, however, up to her eighteenth year (1890), when she began to droop and had a strength for anything. Her appetite left her and she dreaded the sight of food. An eating ever so little she had great pain at the chest, and a dull, gnawing pain at tɩ! pit of the stomach. She was so much swollen around the body that I was obliged to let out be clothing. She had a cutting pain at the left side, extending from the heart to the of her shoulder. The rheumatism increased as every week passed; all around the joints being puffed and swollen. She got so weak I had to feed her with bread and milk; and cold clammy sweats frequently broke over her, taking all strength out of her. For hours she lay prostrate, unable to move hand or foot. 'I had a doctor attending her, who ordered me to wrap her hands and feet i cotton wadding. He gave her medicine which eased her for a short time, and then she had a relapse. The doctor did all he could for my poor girl, but she lingered an until June, 1894, when he gave her a certificate and she was admitted into St. Mary's Hospital, Nenagh. "There she was treated by three doctors, but at the end of three weeks she was so bad that I removed her home. I now gave up all hope of her ever getting better and all who saw her thought her time had come. She was now reduced to a skelte and could not even bear a muslin handkerchief to touch her. And she perspired much that in three weeks the sweat rotted two bedticks. Again and again we thought she was dying, and she was prepared for dest (received the last rites of the Church) six times. 'One day in October, 1895, I was in Mr. Kenny's shop at Templederry, and be gave me a small book telling about Mother Seigel's Syrup; and I read in it of cases like my daughter's having been cured by this medicine. I got a bottle, and after sthad taken it I saw an improvement in her condition. She had less pain and a better. She continued with it and gradually got stronger. Every day she un proved, never looking back, and in four months she was restored to perfect hear and is now strong as ever. I have no doubt that Mother Seigel's Syrup saved h from an early grave, and but for it she would be in the churchyard. I tell everyon of this, and you have my permission to publish my statement and refer inquirer to me. (Signed) B. Hogan, Huntsgrove, Templederry, Templemore, Tipperary C.. Ireland, September 10, 1897. This case is well known, and corroborated by numerous friends and neighbor. The grocer, Mr. Thomas Kenny, of whom the Syrup was purchased, vouches for t facts as given in Mrs. Hogan's letter, and adds that they can be implicitly relied upo Beyond this no comment is necessary; save, perhaps, to say that the rheumatism wa the outcome of impure blood, caused by previous dyspeptic conditions, and developsi by the cold of which Mrs. Hogan speaks. BOOKS SUITABLE SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. THE CHEAP EDITIONS OF MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NOVELS. Each complete in One Volume, crown 8vo. in red cloth, gilt lettered, price 2s. 6d.; or, in green cloth, price 28. SALE OVER TWO MILLION AND A HALF COPIES. EAST LYNNE. 460th Thousand. ELSTER'S FOLLY. 60th Thousand. THE CHANNINGS. 180th Thousand. LADY ADELAIDE. 50th Thousand. MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. OSWALD CRAY. 52nd Thousand. 150th Thousand. JOHNNY LUDLOW. Second Series. 33rd THE SHADOW OF ASHLYDYAT. 90th Thousand, Thousand. ANNE HEREFORD. 45th Thousand. LORD OAKBURN'S DAUGHTERS. 105th DENE HOLLOW. 50th Thousand. 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