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and 44 ft. from floor to ridge. The roof is in one span, open timbered, of pitch pine; the pewing, pulpit, and all the internal woodwork is to be of selected pitch pine, varnished. There will be a small gallery over the entrance, and an organ gallery formed over the vestry behind the pulpit. The church will be well lighted by five lancet windows on each side, and a three-light window, with large wheel window in the front gable. Advantage has been taken of the different levels of the roads to get a good welllighted schoolroom under the church of the same dimensions, and 14 ft. in clear height, with a vestry or classroom attached with good entrances, and communication by staircases with the entrances to the church. The church is seated for 415 persons, and the school will accommodate about 260 children. The building is from the designs of Mr. Clifton W. Whittenbury, of the firm of Bird and Whittenbury, architects, of Manchester; and the work is being carried out under their superintendence by local tradesmen, the total cost amounting to about £2,650. The erection of the building was commenced at the end of January last, and up to the present time it has progressed in a very satisfactory manner, and it is expected that the new church will be ready for public worship in the early part of next year.

The weather, although somewhat gloomy, was tolerably favourable for the ceremony of laying the corner-stones. A procession of Sunday scholars, teachers, ministers, and several friends connected with the New Jerusalem Churches in Accrington, Heywood, Radcliffe, &c., was formed near the site of the new building, making about 400 persons, and, headed by the 57th L. R. V. Band (who kindly gave their services), proceeded through some of the principal thoroughfares, and returned to the site of the new church about half-past four o'clock, when the ceremony of laying the corner-stones commenced.

After a short devotional service, the Rev. S. Pilkington said that before the corner-stones were laid he had to announce the contents of each of the bottles which would be placed beneath them, and which included some of the current coins of the realm, some American coins, a list of the officers of the society and the school, and about 180 names of the members of the congregation, copies of

the Manchester and Bury papers, minutes of the English Conference of the New Church, and also of the American Convention of the New Church, a copy of the "Intellectual Repository," &c. He might also state that the cost of the new chapel was expected to amount to about £3,000. It was very desirable they they should from that time until the opening of the new church endeavour to collect the sum of £630, and he had no doubt their friends present on that occasion would assist them in that work.

Mr. Bird then presented a small boxwood mallet and a handsome silver trowel with ivory handle to Dr. Pilkington with which to lay the first stone. Upon the trowel was the following inscription:-"Presented by the congre gation of the New Jerusalem Church, Ramsbottom, to Dr. W. H. Pilkington, of Clayton House, Clayton-le-Moors, on laying one of the corner-stones of the new Church. June 20th, 1874."

Dr. Pilkington having laid the stone proceeded to address the assembly, and in the course of his remarks said that he remembered the time when Ramsbottom was a much smaller place than it was now-when that lane was the chief street in it. It was in the year 1821 that the Rev. Robert Hindmarsh first proclaimed the doctrines of the New Church in Ramsbottom, but there had been many changes in their church since then. In 1832, on the 20th of May, his father, the Rev. Thomas Pilkington, preached the first sermons in connection with their Sunday school, at Ramsbottom, and he felt flattered as the son of a pious and intelligent sire at being called upon to lay one of the corner-stones of their new church, upon which he hoped the Divine blessing would rest. When Mr. Hindmarsh lectured in Ramsbottom he spoke to a thousand people in the open air, and he should like the New Church people to hold more open-air services, in order that they might have an opportun ity of speaking to thousands of people who would not come to listen to them in a church. Since the year 1821 the Sunday schools of this country had made rapid advances in elevating the people. Very few people could either read or write when the New Church doctrines were first made known in Ramsbottoin, but now they had got a national system of education, and he believed that ere long.there would scarcely be a child to

be found who would not be able to read The true idea of a Christian Church was and write, and when they could do that this-that it should be to those who he hoped they would read the Bible, from worshipped in it a spiritual home, where which all their doctrines were derived. men's hearts could be comforted, their They had other books also which might minds instructed, and new principles be read with advantage even by those brought into active operation to lead who were not connected with their men to love God, and to do that which church, one of which he mentioned, "The was pleasing in His sight. He was glad Heaven and Hell." They were living to see the salutary habit growing up under a new dispensation in which they amongst the members of different had new ideas of God. They believed churches of going to help each other at God to be a God of mercy and love, and their annual services, and he trusted not a God of vengeance; that it was their that the appeal which was about to be duty to act in obedience to His com- made to their charity on that occasion, mands to love each other, and to make would at least result in the obtaining of themselves as universally useful as pos- a sufficient amount of money to defray sible, which was the great object of their the cost attendant upon the laying of living in this world. They were all these corner-stones, and that the blessmediums in the hands of Divine Provi- ing of God would rest upon the work dence to do good in the world; and they were engaged in that day. could all be of some use, whether they were parents or children. Having alluded to Martin Luther and John Wesley as mediums for the advancement of religion in their day, he spoke of Emanuel Swedenborg as having been a medium of opening up the intellectual, moral, and spiritual principle of man, and stated some of the fundamental doctrines which would be taught in that church, and he hoped that the Lord Jesus Christ would become the head of the corner, God over all blessed for ever.

The Rev. John Hyde, in addressing the assembly, said he thought the town of Ramsbottom deserved much credit for the very generous way in which the people contributed towards the erection of various churches and chapels. Some people might say there were plenty of churches, and what was the use of trying to establish others, but in justification of their work he held that by the existence of various denominations men of all types of thought and of various kinds of character and disposition were reached and brought to a knowledge of Christ. Where they saw only one church established there they saw that religions indifference and apathy existed, but where there were many churches they saw religious activity manifested, and in this respect one church set an example which others followed, and a larger amount of work was done and a greater number were instructed in the doctrines of religion. The Lord's Church was the universal church, and in this universal church there was room for men of every type of thought and character.

A collection was then made which realised over £70, which, together with subscriptions already obtained or promised, amounts to £960 in aid of the building fund.

Another hymn having been sung, Mr. Whittenbury presented a mallet and silver trowel to Mr. Isherwood with which to lay the second stone, the mallet and trowel being similar to those presented to Dr. Pilkington, and upon the trowel was a similar inscription.

Mr. Isherwood, after performing the ceremony, said, in the short address he should make, he wished to say a few words to the young people he saw around him. He had been connected with the Heywood Sunday school for upwards of twenty years; but many of those who took an active part in it when he began to attend it were departed, and the young people who were in the school twenty years ago were some of them now the heads of the church. Now that temple would be for the benefit of the young people. The elder people who would now worship in it would eventually depart, and it would be left to the young people to support it. He therefore wished to make an earnest appeal to them to do all they could to assist their respected minister not only in a pecuniary way by taking seats, but also in occupying them when they had taken them. He was sure that if they only did that it would be the means of benefiting them not only in this world but also in that to which they were looking forward after death. He thought it was a sad sight to see young people

rambling about the streets on the Sunday and neglecting their places of worship. In conclusion he urged the young people to attend regularly to their religious duties, so that at last it might be said of them when they entered that future world, for which they should all be preparing, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

At the conclusion of the ceremony a social tea-party was held in the Co-operative Hall, at which 380 persons were present.

TESTIMONIAL TO MR. RICH.-Various friends in the United States, America, have remitted, per Rev. Chauncey Giles, a subscription to this testimonial, amounting to £11, 12s. 2d.

JOHN HYDE, Secretary.

GENERAL CONFERENCE.-The Sixtyseventh Annual Meeting of the General Conference is appointed to be held in the New Jerusalem Church, Argyle Square, London, and to commence on Monday the 10th inst., at seven o'clock in the evening. The attention of the conference will be called to the following business: The Societies at Bacup, Bradford, Horncastle, Kensington (Palace Gardens), and Lowestoft, apply to be received into connection with the Conference. The Society at Kersley applies for the Ordination of Mr. Peter Ramage. The Missionary and Tract Society, London, also applies for the Ordination of Mr. Ramage. The Society at Liverpool applies for the Ordination of Mr. Redman Goldsack, and the Society at Accrington applies for the Introduction of the Rev. Jos. Jno. Thornton into the Ministry of the New Church. By Minute 61 of the last Session, notice is given for a proposition to repeal Rules 221-233 in the event of the adoption by Conference of a new system of administering the Education Fund. The proposed new Rules on Education are printed in full in the Intellectual Repository for June of the present year.

Minute 63 appoints a committee to draw up a graded system of religious instruction. The report of this committee will be laid before the next Session.

Minute 187 of last Session recommends the adoption of the following resolutions by the next Session as Rules of the Pension Fund:

1. A recognized Minister of the Conference who has become wholly incapacitated shall be eligible to receive a Pension, provided that he has been engaged in the work of the Ministry in Societies connected with the Conference for fourteen years; such period to be reckoned from the date of his Ordination, or Introduction into the Ministry of the New Church.

2. The amount of Pension shall be graduated according to the number of years during which the Minister shall have been so engaged in the work of the Ministry, and shall be granted annually by the vote of the Conference.

3. The Widow of a Minister recog nized by the Conference shall be eligible to receive a Pension, provided that her husband was engaged in the work of the Ministry for fourteen years in Societies in connection with the Conference. In awarding such Pension the Conference shall take into account the length of time during which the deceased Minister shall have been engaged in the work of the Ministry, and also the length of time during which the Applicant was the wife of the deceased Minister; and the Pension shall be granted annually.

4. Licentiates and Leaders, who have become wholly incapacitated, and are in necessitous circumstances, shall be eligible to receive Grants from Pension Fund B, provided that they have been engaged in the work of the Ministry for fourteen years in Societies in connection with the Conference. In making such Grants, the Conference shall distinguish between those Licentiates and Leaders who have been dependent on the work of the Ministry for their maintenance and those who have not.

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deceased Leader or Licentiate, and the Grant shall be required to be renewed from year to year.

6. The Conference shall have discretionary power to award Grants to wholly or partially incapacitated Ministers who have not been engaged in the work of the Ministry during a period of fourteen years; also to the Widows of such Ministers; also to partially incapacitated Ministers who have been so engaged for longer than fourteen years; also to wholly or partially incapacitated Licentiates and Leaders who have not been so engaged for fourteen years; and to the Widows of Licentiates and Leaders who have not been so engaged for fourteen years.

7. All Applications for the benefits of the Pension Fund shall be made in forms provided by the Conference, and shall be sent to the Secretary of Conference at least three weeks before the Annual Meeting. They may also be accompanied by memorials stating such circumstances in support of the application as the case may require.

8. The Conference may institute all such inquiries into each case as may be deemed desirable, and deal with it accordingly.

9. Payment of Pensions shall be made quarterly on the usual quarter days, and the payment of Grants at such times as the Conference may direct.

10. Any Pension or Grant, (if directed to be paid quarterly,) due for the quarter in which a Pensioner or Grantee dies, shall be paid to his or her legal representatives.

11. In the event of a Minister receiving a Pension or Grant ceasing to be recognized by the Conference, all right to a continuation thereof shall cease.

12. In the event of a Licentiate or Leader receiving a Grant ceasing to be recognized as a Member by the Society with which he was last connectedexcept in consequence of removal from the locality where that Society is situated-the Grant shall not be renewed.

13. In the event of any Widow benefited by this Fund marrying again, her Pension or Grant shall cease from the time of her re-marriage.

By Minute 189 of last Session, a Committee was appointed to consider the propriety of instituting a scale according to which the amount of Pensions and Grants should be graduated,

and, if necessary, to draw up such a scale. The report of this Committee will be laid before Conference.

The Committee of the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund having recommended the following re-arrangement of the rules relating to that Fund, the Committee of the Argyle Square Society, London, give notice that a proposition will be made at the ensuing General Conference for effecting such modification. The present Rules 207, 208, 209, and 211 to be cancelled, and the following adopted in their stead:-207. Every candidate for assistance from this Fund shall be at least eighteen years of age. 208. Each candidate for aid shall make application in writing to the Committee, through their Secretary, stating his age and educational qualifications. 209. The application of the candidate must be accompanied by (a.) Certificates of moral character, and recommendations of his adoption, from at least one lay member of some Society of the New Church in connection with the General Conference, and one minister recognized by the General Conference, expressing their views of his talents and piety, and of the probability of his becoming a useful minister. (b.) A written Declaration by the candidate of his intention to enter the Ministry of the New Church. (c.) In the event of the candidate's residence in a town where there is a New Church Society, a written statement from the Committee of such Society, signifying their sanction of his application. 210. On the reception of these documents the Committee, after due and careful investigation, shall, if they deem it advisable, recommend such candidate for adoption by the next ensuing Conference. The present Rule 210 to be enumerated 211. Rule 216 to terminate at the word "accordingly," and the following portion to form a distinct Rule, enumerated 217. The present Rules 217, et sequentis, to be enumerated 218 et sequentis.

It is hoped that, as far as practicable, the Secretaries of the Committees appointed to report to the ensuing Session, will forward their Reports without delay, as the early receipt of such documents by the Secretary greatly facili tates the preparation and arrangement of the business that has to come before the Conference. All Resolutions arising out of Reports should be prepared and forwarded to the Secretary, each written

on a separate slip, prior to the opening wide and diversified information, and of the Session. N.B. The Stock of enthusiastically devoted to the duties of Minutes of Conference being unusually the office in life to which he had been low, Ministers and Representatives appointed. will do well to furnish themselves with copies beforehand.


In addition to the notice of the Secretary, we are informed that some earnest friends in London intend to publish an account of the Conference in a small publication, to be entitled "The New Church Chronicle;" and arrangements are made for reports of Conference proceedings in the Christian World and other papers.



MR. AUGUSTUS HENRY TULK OF MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. - The Melbourne obituary of Sept. 1873 included the name of Mr. Augustus Henry Tulk, the librarian of the Public Lib. rary, who died on the morning of the 1st inst., at his residence, St. Kilda. For some time past the deceased gentleman had been in failing health, but he was able to attend to the performance of his duties until within about a week of his death. Mr. Tulk arrived in the colony in 1854, by the General Guyon, a brigantine, owned by himself. brought out a quartz crushing machine, one of the first introduced into the col ony, and it was erected at Mount Eger. ton. He received the appointment of librarian to the Public Library on the 5th May 1856, and has thus been connected with the institution since its establishment. He always evinced a great interest in its welfare, and was indefatigable in the discharge of its duties. He was 63 years of age. His father was chairman of the Middlesex bench of magistrates for many years, and represented the town of Poole, in Dorsetshire, in the House of Commons. The deceased leaves a wife and five children-three sons and two daughters. Mr. Tulk was highly respecte i by all who knew him.

The Melbourne Argus of September 3rd gives a lengthened account of the deceased, in which his great merits and valuable services as public librarian are described at length. Mr. Tuk appears to have been a man of genial habits, of

Mr. James Hopwood of Hull passed into the world of spirits, July 1, 1874. He was baptized into the Lord's New Church in Dagger Lane Chapel by the Rev. Mr. Green when he was "eight days old," which was Mr. Green's custom. He had attained to a ripe old age, hav ing entered on his eighty-third year. He regarded it as the greatest blessing of his life to have become acquainted with the writings of our great Author. Our friend has departed from our mist in full conviction of the truth of the doctrines he had received, and from which he derived great consolation in life and in the prospect of death. Our departed friend held some important offices in the Church, and continued to the end of life an example of punctual attendance at public worship. It was his constant habit to read a portion of the Divine Word before he left his room for his walks. His departure was accelerated by a fall downstairs, and when returning to his room the open Bible was found upon the table. Those who calmness with which he met each suesaw him during his illness testify to the cessive step in the work of dissolution, regarding it as the necessary means of his being raised from the grave of the material body.

At Alloa, Scotland, Mr. Robert Graham passed into the spiritual world on the 12th of June, aged 82 years. For many years Mr. Graham, in his monthly journeys among his customers in Leith, Falkirk, Stirling, and Tilicoultry, put into cirenlation a great many New Church tracts and books; and extended very much the knowledge of New Church principles in a large district of country. He was a zealous attendant and supporter of the New Church meeting in Alloa, and aided very much in circulating books and tracts among the inhabitants. No seed sown with so much good intention can be lost, and it is to be hoped that, in addition to the good that was thereby strengthened in his own bosom, it will yet spring up and be a blessing to many others.

A. D.

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