Imagens das páginas

did good service in the sale of books, and the circulation of tracts. An account of these lectures and services was given in The Doncaster, Nottingham, and Lincoln Gazette of January 23rd and 30th, under the heading "The New Jerusalem of the Revelation." As the account in each paper consisted of more than half a column, that in itself was an important missionary result, for these accounts would in all probability be read by great numbers who did not attend the lectures.

London-Mile End Road.-On Sunday February 1st, Mr. Gunton conducted two religious services in the "Beaumont Institution." The attend ance was satisfactory, and after the evening service several questions were asked and answered.

Horncastle.-The anniversary services have just been held by this progressing little band. Mr. Gunton preached twice on Sunday February 8th to excellent congregations, and on Monday the 9th a tea meeting was held, when about ninety took tea together. After the tea Mr. Gunton conducted the meeting, which was opened by singing and prayer, after which he delivered an address "On some of the Characteristics of the New Church:" 1st, "Its Catholicity;" 2d, "The clearness and consistency of its doctrines;" 3rd, "Its tendency to cultivate man's spiritual faculties ;" and 4th, "Its increased light, life, and happiness." Great attention was given to the elucidation of these various points. An expression of thanks to those who had so kindly attended to the necessary preparations for the tea, and the singing of another hymn, brought to its close a very happy evening. On Wednesday the 11th the second monthly sewing meeting connected with the Society was held, and after it the annual business meeting of the Society. The Secretary, Mr. Dawson, observed in his report: "Our pulpit has been filled every Sunday during the year (with the exception of two) with some of the warmest hearts and brightest intellects that it is the privilege of the New Church to contain, amongst these I may mention the names of the Revs. Dr. Bayley, R. Storry, and C. H. Wilkins, and Messrs. Austin, Skelton, Ashby, Cameron, and Gunton, to all of whom we beg to tender our grateful thanks." The Treasurer, Mr. William

Hall, read the audited accounts, which were very satisfactory. The Societythough a receiver of the doctrines was not known in the town six years agonow stands possessed of a pretty little church, with a debt of only £90 upon it. This sum has been borrowed from the Conference Building Fund, and will be repaid in ten successive years. During the year the Society has reduced its debt considerably, and feels desirous of embracing this opportunity of thanking most warmly all those kind friends who have so generously aided them by contributions; a list of which will be found on the cover of the Magazine. During the year the Society has also contributed £15 to the funds of the Missionary and Tract Society for its timely and efficient aid in the supply of preachers. It is proper to mention, too, that our good friends Mr. and Mrs. Hall have entertained the ministers without any charge for the whole year. At this meeting the officers for the ensuing year were chosen, a report of the Sunday school and the library were received, two members were admitted; the meeting expressed a strong desire to have a permanent minister if a suitable one could be found, after which the singing of a hymn and prayer brought the meeting to its close.

BIRMINGHAM-Summer Lane.—The annual meeting of this Society was held on Tuesday, February 3, 1874. In consequence of the indisposition of the minister, Mr. W. H. Haseler was voted to the chair, and opened the proceedings with the Lord's Prayer. The committee reported progress in all the affairs connected with the church, and instanced a few of the events of the past year. The most important of these was the decision to build a new place of worship, the present one being no longer adequate to the wants of the Society. A plot of land has been purchased in the Wrexham Road, Handsworth. The committee invited architects to compete for a prize, which was awarded to Mr. Naden of Birmingham, who has since made working plans. Estimates are now being obtained for the erection of the building, which will be one of the finest yet erected for the use of the New Church. During the year the new organ, which has been built for the Society by Mr. J. Nicholson of Worcester at a cost of about £425, has

been opened by our honorary organist Mr. W. Perkins. The instrument has given general satisfaction, and several of our local organists have pronounced it one of the best in the town. The at tendance at public worship and at the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, has shown a marked improvement upon former years. In consequence of the action of the School Board in Birmingham, it was resolved to close our Day Schools at Christmas last; but the School Board having taken the Boys' School, the committee determined to keep on the Girls' School, which we have reason to believe the School Board will shortly take. This school is a great blessing to the neighbourhood, and under the excellent management of the mistress, Mrs. Pilkington, has attained a high standard of excellence, 250 scholars being on the register, with lately an average attendance of 225. The financial position of the Society is now very encouraging, as the sources of income have been gradually increasing, especially during the past three years. In fact it would appear as though there was a little friendly emulation existing between the collector of the seat rents and the secretary of the church fund, for the latter seem to be silently though rapidly creeping up to its hitherto formidable antagonist. Take for instance a statement of these two funds for the last three years

In 1871 the seat rents were £119 10 the church fund was 93 13

In 1872, seat rents

church fund

In 1873, seat rents

church fund

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120 5

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102 3


126 3 6 120 0


HEYWOOD.-A series of pleasant meetings were held in this Society during the festive season of Christmas and the New Year. First in the order of these meetings was their Christmas festival. This is not confined to the Society, but is open to the general public, and is usually very numerously attended. This year not fewer than 800 persons were present. After a sumptuous tea, the evening was spent in short addresses and recitations, the distribution of prizes for good attendance, and in Christmas carol and song by nearly a hundred trained voices of the children of the Sunday school. The proceedings closed with the uncovering of a Christmas tree sparkling with light, and having sus

pended from its branches gifts for all the little people who had taken part in the proceedings of the evening.

On the evening of the 19th of January the annual social meeting of the teachers of the Sunday school and the young persons connected with the Society was held. This meeting is spent in social intercourse and pleasant games. This year its interest was increased by a variation described in the following extract from a local paper :-“Presentation to a Sunday school Teacher.-On Monday evening, the teachers and friends of the New Jerusalem Sunday school, Heywood, held a social meeting in their schoolroom, Hornby Street, at which a presentation was made to Mrs. Thomas Wild by the pupils of her Sunday class. The present consisted of a cruet-stand and an illuminated address, which had been tastefully and elegantly written by Mr. John Richardson, and beautifully framed. The Rev. R. Storry, in making the presentation, said: Mrs. Wild, I am desired by the members of the first class of girls in our Sunday school to present to you this address and cruet-stand. The address I will read. It is as follows:

Presented, with a cruet-stand, to Mrs. Thomas Wild, on the occasion of her marriage, by the pupils of the first class of girls in the Heywood New Jerusalem Sunday School, as a token of their esteem and love, and as a grateful acknowledgment of her steady attendance and invariable kindness as their teacher during a period of nine years. The members, whose names are hereto subscribed, wish her in her new state of life continued and increased usefulness and happiness; and still hope to enjoy the benefit of her kindly instructions and friendly counsels.' Signed by eighteen members of the class, many of them being teachers in the junior classes. Mr. Storry continued: It is a law of providential wisdom that all labour for the good of others, performed from right motives, shall not lose its reward; and it is always pleasing to find that those who are benefited by our labours receive them with gratitude, and are forward to acknowledge their obligation. It has been to me, therefore, a source of great pleasure to find this feeling so active in the minds of the pupils of your Sunday school class, and to be permitted to aid them in the preparation of this beautiful



memento of their esteem and love. Sheldon, whose presence was a matter can most truthfully testify to the affec- of great delight. Mr. Sheldon was the tion with which they have entered upon minister of the church in this town fifty the preparation of this present, and to years ago, and from that time has been the delight with which they have an earnest advocate of the doctrines. witnessed its completion. And, if I Though a severe bodily affliction has may be permitted to add to their feel- long deprived us of his presence at ings on this presentation one word of our meetings, the pleasure of seeing my own, I will only say how cordially I him once again as cheerful and lively unite with them in the sentiments they as ever, was general and sincere. have expressed. Both in the Sunday, Goldsack then called on the Rev. J. and also in the day school, where J. Thornton, who in a short but the labour is more arduous, I have wit- affectionate address showed how the nessed with extreme satisfaction the New Church teachings were suited order and kindly attention bestowed by to all classes of minds, and spoke of you, and which has tended so largely to the Lord's Redemption and its effects the success and usefulness of our educa- upon mankind in improving humanity. tional establishments. In both these Mr. Ramage followed, treating of the schools I hope we may long have the great help Sunday schools gave in buildbenefit of your services, and that they ing up the Church, and in a most happy may be increasingly useful." Mr. Wild, and pleasing manner enforced the duty in a few well-chosen sentences, acknow- of New Churchmen to speak well of their ledged the present on behalf of himself church and their minister. The chairand partner; and the pleasant sphere of man then called on Mr. R. G. Sheldon, the meeting continued to the end. who in his kind, loving manner spoke of the New Church, "how it acts, and how it ends," strongly urging all to let its truths influence their lives. After a short interval for refreshments, the Rev. J. Hyde addressed the meeting in his usual powerful style, showing the work of preaching both in heaven and on earth, the influence of the New Church in the Church at large, and its position in the eyes of the Lord as a grand broad Church. Other speakers were Mr. A. B. Cragie, Mr. Pixton, and Mr. E. M. Sheldon-Mr. Pixton proposing a vote of thanks to the ministers for their kindness in attending, and Mr. Sheldon, in seconding, alluded to the Society of thirty-five years ago, and how few of the old members were now remaining. By acclamation a vote of thanks was passed to the ladies who had provided the tea, the name of Mrs. Moss especially being mentioned. During the evening the Sunday school children sang some agreeable pieces, under the direction of Mr. Spencer and Mr. Kewley, and the meeting concluded by all joining in two verses of the Evening Hymn. The gathering will be long remembered as one of the most pleasant and happy ever held here, and the presence of the several ministers was especially esteemed.

The last of this series of meetings was the annual meeting of the Society, which was held on February 4th. The Rev. R Storry introduced the proceedings of the evening in a short address, in which he dwelt upon the Society's history during the past, and the prospects of its progress during the coming year. The attendance of the members, especially the younger members, was large, the reports presented cheerful, and the proceedings interesting. One part of the evening's proceedings was the presentation of a gold watch, and a copy of the "True Christian Religion,' to Miss Sarah Ellen Lee, for her long services in the choir. These were presented in a suitable address by the chairman, short speeches being also made by Mr. Fairbrother and Mr. Isherwood.

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LIVERPOOL.-The members and friends of the church in this town held their annual social gathering on the 15th of January, and a most delightful re-union it proved. An excellent tea having been served, the minister of the Society, Mr. R. Goldsack, took the chair, and giving a hearty welcome to all present, apologized for the absence of the Rev. E. D. Rendell, and the Rev. R. Storry, and introduced to the meeting the Rev. J. Hyde, the Rev. J. J. Thornton, Mr. Ramage, and our long tried and much loved friend, Mr. R. G.

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a lengthened report of a very interesting of music, science, history, &c. And and instructive lecture, which was given last, but not least, he would earnestly by Mr. Appelbee to the members of the recommend the study of theology as a "Mutual Improvement Society." From means of arriving at the truth concernthis report we give the following:-"Re- ing eternal things. How much better ferring to the proverb, 'Duty first and to employ our spare time with some of pleasure after,' the lecturer said, This is these objects, which were comparatively a very good proverb in one sense, but not inexpensive, than to resort to mere in another. If it meant to perform amusement of a light character, and often what duty required in our daily avoca- most costly. The lecture was listened tions, before resorting to mere pleasure, to throughout with the greatest attenwith that he quite agreed. But if it tion and warmly applauded at its close. meant separating duty from pleasure altogether, making our business and employment our sole aim, with the idea of enjoying pleasure at some future time, with that he did not agree. Duty and pleasure should be combined in such a way that every duty ought to be regarded as a pleasure. Alluding to the expensive mode in which many pursued pleasure the drunkard, the glutton, and the dissolute, which pleasure generally turned to misery-he contrasted this with the many real pleasures by which we were surrounded on every hand, and which cost us nothing. The atmosphere, water, light, and heat, and all nature, afforded means of real enjoyment. Every faculty of mind and heart is bounteously supplied with real pleasures easily attainable. Do we long for beauty? There is the eye, most marvellously constructed, to look upon the landscape and all beautiful objects. Do we require melody? The ear is another wonderfully-arranged organ by which we may enjoy the song of birds, the waterfall, &c. Then there is the varied intercourse of society; the beautiful arrangements of home with its family affections; the pleasure of greeting a long-absent friend, the delight of listening to the orator or the preacher; in fact, the lecturer pointed out that the means of pleasure are as boundless as the universe. There is even a source of pleasure in things evil. Although evil produces misery and unhappiness on those who practise it, it frequently called forth the best qualities of those who strove to alleviate it, and often resulted in bringing the sufferers to a sense of their folly, and causing them to seek after real and lasting pleasure. The lecturer next gave many useful hints for the attainment of cheap individual pleasures. A country ramble is an excellent means of pleasure, as well as maintaining health. He also strongly ecommended early rising, and the study

LONDON-Camberwell.-On January 23rd, the annual meeting of this Society was held in the school-room, Mr. E. Austin, minister, presiding. Reports were submitted of the numerous organizations connected with the Church, all of which presented many gratifying features. During 1873, eleven new members were added, and ten names erased owing to deaths or change of residence. The current expenses were in a healthier state than on any former occasion, a surplus of £12 remaining in hand after all liabilities had been defrayed. The sum of £130 had been wiped off the building debt, and the Treasurer held over £16 at the time of the audit. Since then, however, further amounts have been received, including £50 from the Society's earnest Secretary, Alfred Braby, Esq., so that the claims on the Trustees are now reduced to £128. The Church, which was built in 1865, cost, including organ and fittings, £3,060, and towards its erection the Secretary has on eleven different occasions munificently presented £50! The Mutual Improvement Society actively sustains its opera tions. Its fortnightly gatherings are well attended ordinarily, and it now publishes a quarterly Chronicle, to which allusion was made in the February Intellectual. The Sunday school, which is mainly composed of members' children, steadily performs a great use, and one pleasing item in the Treasurer's balance sheet was "subscriptions from scholars in aid of the building fund." The theological meeting held every Tuesday for conversation and discussion on religious topics is largely attended by individuals representing most shades of modern thought, and the proceedings are efficiently conducted by Mr. Skelton. The library has been increased by purchases, and 299 volumes were procured from it on loan within the twelve

months. The foregoing details were well-chosen remarks, and paid the fair heard with great pleasure, and it is hoped that the Society, by striving henceforth more vigorously to build up the walls of the New Jerusalem, may continue to receive a rich blessing from above on its labours. After an interesting conversation, the new Committee was instructed to specially consider the subject of junior membership, with a view of paying for the future greater attention to the wants of the younger section of the congregation. Officers were chosen for the new year, and it was unanimously decided to change the name of the Society from "South London" to "Camberwell." A vote of thanks was cordially awarded Mr. Austin for a course of twelve lectures which he recently delivered on successive Sunday evenings on the "Trees of the Bible," after which the assembly terminated by singing and the benediction.

LONDON-Islington.-On Thursday evening, the 12th February, the inauguration of the new organ took place, in the presence of a large assemblage of the members and friends. The organ has been built by Mr. Holdich of Liverpool Road, London. It is divided in order to show the memorial window at the west end of the chapel, and consists of two whole rows of keys and an independent pedal organ, the compass of the manuals being from CC to F in Alt (the German scale). The pedal two octaves


receiver a warm tribute of admiration and esteem for the energy and perseverance with which she had pursued her labours of love. Mr. J. H. Elliott, the secretary, then referred, in a neat and graceful speech, to the present efficient state of the choir as compared with its condition when Miss Bateman assumed the office of organist, and also to the fact that the Society was indebted to her not only for suggesting the desirability of supplying the church with an organ more suitable to its requirements than the one then in use, but also for her generous advocacy in obtaining the necessary funds. After a few remarks upon the importance of music in the services of the church, and the symbolical character of the bracelet, Mr. Elliott presented it to Miss Bateman. Mr. Bateman, in reply, warmly thanked the subscribers for their gift to his daughter, and trusted that the meeting and the occasion would prove a new bond of strength to the Society. A handsome collection was taken up at the conclusion of the concert, and the Society had the satisfaction of knowing that the organ debt was almost a thing of the past.

LONDON-Palace Gardens Church, Kensington.-The annual gathering of the scholars of the Sunday morning classes in connection with this Church was held in the schoolroom on Monday, January 26, when upwards of sixty assembled. After tea numerous recitations and games, diversified with a magic lantern exhibition, and some excellent singing by the young people, occupied a highly enjoyable evening.

from CCC 16 ft. to C. The choir was strongly reinforced by members from the choir of the Camden Road Church, and Mr. Whittington, their talented organist; Miss Bolingbroke, Mr. Tietkens and Mr. Fairweather, also their valuable assistance. The proLONDON Swedenborg Reading Sogramme was an attractive one, and its ciety, 36 Bloomsbury Street.-The fourth composition was arranged with the view meeting of the present session was held of testing the quality and power of the on Thursday the 15th January 1874, new instrument. The rich, full, yet when Mr. Waddington introduced the mellow tones of the organ were most subject of the Correspondence of the effectively brought out in the organ Eye in a very clear and interesting solos, while the vocal solos were rendered paper. The conversation which sucwith a taste and finish deserving of high ceeded was kept up with much spirit praise. The interval between the parts and interest, and several fresh elucidawas filled by a presentation from the tions of the wonderful truths of the members of the congregation and choir science of correspondences in relation to of a gold bracelet, richly ornamented the subject were developed; showing with turquoise and pearls, to Miss Bate- clearly that the more any matter is inman, in recognition of her long and vestigated the more its relation to its faithful services as organist. Dr. Bay- spiritual cause is manifested; and that ley occupied the chair, and introduced correspondences are deeper far than the the subject by some appropriate and mere surface of things, being in fact

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