N. B.-Titles of papers are printed in small capitals.
"Adam Smith, Catalogue of Library of," by Jas. Bonar, reviewed, 609 Administration. ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIALS, 653-83; Proposal for elec- tion in Canada, 653; Officers in Canada, 655; Appointment the universal rule, 660; Elected officials in Ohio, 662; Comparison with Canada, 663; Method of payment, 665; Abuse of spoils sys- tem, 669; Elections favor spoils system, 674; Opposition to election in United States, 676; Appointment necessary under system of ministerial responsi- bility, 679
America. "Discovery of America," by J. Fiske, reviewed, 289-92 See Geographical Discovery. "American Commonwealth," by Jas. Bryce, note, 784
AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Sev- enth Annual Meeting, 790-94
Tenth Annual Meeting, 794-95 "American History," by A. C. Thomas, note, 448
"Antisemitismus und Strafrechtspflege," by M. Parmod, note, 987 Apprenticeship, 215 et seq. "Arbeitsverfassung in englischen Kolo- nien," by A. S. von Waltershausen, reviewed, 776-78 Arbitration Industrial. See Labor. Arbitration International. "Les Desti- nées de l'arbitrage international," by E. Rouard de Card, reviewed, 111-13
Artisans in Germany, 783 Associations, meetings. American Eco- nomic, 790-94; American Historical, 794-95; Association of Colleges, 626-28; Political Science of Central States, 796-97
Australia. See Land Systems.
See also Railroads.
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Boycotting. See Labor. Brook Farm, 967 Brooklyn, Trade schools of, 227 Building and loan associations, 650
Cabinets. "Les Ministres dans les prin- cipaux pays d'Europe et d'Amérique," by L. Dupriez, reviewed, 287-89 Canada, Banking in, 5533; Elected or appointed officials, See Administra- tion. Capitalization of railways, 348 Charities. "American Charities," by A. G. Warner, reviewed, 982-84
FUTURE PROBLEM OF CHARITY AND THE UNEMPLOYED, 1-27. Modern social feelings, 1; Newer views of pauperism, 4; Fear of want, basis of poor law, 7; Reaction against this attitude, 10; Necessity of reck- oning with democratic forces, 13; Need of democratic charity admin- istration, 18; Exclusion of the tramp from relief, 19; Work for the unemployed, 21; Treatment of the tramp, 24; Summary, 26
"Proceeding of National Conference at Chicago," by I. C. Barrows, re- viewed, 965-66
Recent movements in, 648, 821 Work in, for college men, 313, 621
Chattanooga, Mayor's report, 633 Chicago, Drainage system, 458; Report of Citizens' Association, 630 Church work in social questions, 818 Cincinnati, Relief of unemployed, 823 Cities, Recent literature on cities and their government, 809
STATE SUPERVISION FOR CITIES, 865- 81. Legislative interference, 865; Control of cities abroad, 867; Ad- ministrative supervision in United States, 870; Boards of Health, 870; Boards of Charities and Cor- rections, 870; Boards of Equaliza- tion and Assessment, 872; Public examiners in Minnesota, etc., 873; Civil Service Boards, 877; State Municipal Board proposed, 878 Citizenship. "The Englishman at Home," by Edw. Porritt, note, 618 "The Ethics of Citizenship," by J MacCunn, reviewed, 427-28
Civil Service Administration in New York, 806
"Civilization During Middle Ages," by Geo. B. Adams, reviewed, 107-8 College settlements, Work of, 647, 816 Colleges, Meeting of Association of, 626 Colonies, American. See Social History.
Commerce, Reprint of Cantillon's "Essai |
sur le Commerce," note, 312
Commercial History, "British Commerce and Colonies from Elizabeth to Vic- toria," by H. deB. Gibbins, note, 313 "Commercial Law," by J. E. C. Munro, note, 314
"Corso di diritto commerciale," by E. Vidari, reviewed, 434-37 Proposed uniformity in, 851
Constitution, English. "Foreign Pow- ers and Jurisdiction of the British Crown," by W. E. Hall, note, 986 Constitutional History, English, "A Student's Manual of," by D. J. Medley, and "The Elements of," by F. C. Mon- tague, reviewed, 597-98
"Constitutional Law, Cases on," by J. B. Thayer, reviewed, 310-11, 978-79 In colonies, 448
"Judicial Power and Unconstitu- tional Legislation." by B. Coxe, reviewed, 113-14
"Restrictions upon Special and Lo- cal Legislation in State Constitu- tions," by C. C. Binney, re- viewed, 422-24
Consumption, Harmonies of, 475; Key to economic prosperity, 370 Corporations, Diversity of laws about,
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History. "General History," by Lavisse and Rambaud, note, 616 "Historical and Political Essays," by H. C. Lodge, note, 617 "Lehrbuch der historischen methode," by E. Bernheim, note, 140 "Niccolo Machiavelli," by P. Villari, 2d edition, note, 620
"History of the Philosophy of His- tory," by R. Flint, note, 615
"History of United States," by A. C. Thomas, note, 448
"History of the United States for Schools," by J. Fiske, note, 446 "Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European His- tory," note, 621
"Roger Williams," by O. Straus, re- viewed, 977-78
"Sam Houston and the War of Inde- pendence in Texas" by A. M. Will- lams, reviewed, 984-86
Home rule party, 474 House of Commons, Effects of group system on, 508
Hygiene, See Demography
Immigration Restriction League, 824 India. "Land Revenue and its Admin-
istration in British India," by B. Η. Baden-Powell, reviewed, 285-87 Industry. "Kleingewerbe und Hausin- dustrie in Oesterreich," by E. Schwied- land, reviewed, 972-73
Insurance, against fire in Berlin, 997
"Compulsory Insurance in Ger- many," by J. G. Brooks, reviewed, 759-62
Interstate Commerce Commission, 913 Iowa. See Local History. Italian cities, Budgets of
"Jurisprudence, A Critical History of Modern English," by G. H. Smith, re- viewed, 433-34
Kansas. See Referendum.
Labor. "Arbeiterfrage und die deutschen Gewerkvereine," by M. Hirsch, note,
"Treatise on Money," by J. S. Nich- olson, reviewed, 299-307 "Währungsfrage und die Zukunft Oesterreichisch-ungarischen Valutereform," by F. Wieser, re- viewed, 300-7
Mortgages. MORTGAGE BANKING IN RUSSIA, 242-56; Comparison with United States, 242; Government banks, 246; Mutual banks, 247; Private banks, 251; Relative strength, 255
"Municipal Government in Great Britain," by A. Shaw, reviewed, 973-77 Notes on Municipal Government, 456-60, 629-39, 798-813, 990-1000 Recent literature on Municipal Gov- ernment, 999
Municipal reform movement, 636
National banking in United States. See Money.
"National Life and Character," by C. H. Pearson, reviewed, 600-3 Natural law, Political economy of, 620 Nebraska. See Economic History New York, Country roads in, 271 New York City, Civil service administra- tion in, 806; Financial system of, 800; Mayoralty election in, 457; Proposed political measures with reference to, 992; Public baths in, 992; Reform movement in, 803; Tenement houses in, 817; Trade schools in, 234 Norway, Liquor legislation in, 645 Norwegian system of liquor legislation in Massachusetts, 1009
Ohio, Elected officials in, 662 Omaha, Charter of, 632; Impeachment of Mayor of, 633
Pacific railways. See Railways Parnellite party, 504
Party Government. BREAK UP OF THE ENGLISH PARTY SYSTEM, 490-511; Groups in the House of Commons, 490; Divisions of parties before 1874, 492; Origin and growth of Home Rule group, 494; of the Liberal Unionists, 500; of the Parnellites, 504; Power of the smaller groups, 508; Political con- sequences, 908
Peasant emancipation, "Bauernbefrei- ung und die Auflösung des gutsherr- lich-bauerlichen Verhaltniss in Böh- men, Mähren und Schlesien," by K. Grünberg, reviewed, 762-64 Pedagogics. See Education. "Pennsylvania, Law of Boroughs in," by F. Raymond Savidge, note, 145 Poor laws in, 642 PERSONAL NOTES, 104, 272, 412, 587, 754, 954 Philadelphia, Appropriations of, 798, Fi- nances of, 456, 629; Gas of, 991; Reser- voir question in, 456; Streets in, 990; Trade schools in, 229; Water of, 991 "Handbook for Philadelphia Voters," by C. A. Brinley, note, 141 "Philanthropy and Social Progress," by J. Addams and others, reviewed, 591-92. Pleasures and pains, 465 Political Economy. "An Analysis of the
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"Political Economy of Natural Law," by H. Wood, note, 620 "Principes d' économie politique." by C. Gide, fourth edition, note, 143 "Principles of economics," by G. P. Osborne, note, 144 "Principles of Political economy," by J. S. Nicholson, reviewed, 123-28 WHY HAD ROSCHER SO LITTLE INFLE- ENCE IN ENGLAND, 317-44; Roscher in Germany, 817; Tendencies of Mill, 319; Recent advances in England, 320; Defects of subjective economics, 322; Universality of form, 325; Attacks on historical economists, 327; Theory not dis- carded by them, 329; Historical attitude of the minority, 333
See Economics
See also Sociology See also Woman
Commerce Commission, 913 "National Consolidation of Rail- ways," by G. H. Lewis, reviewed, 114-16
THE PACIFIC RAILWAY DEBTS, 684- 704. Maturity of these government loans, 684; Purpose of the same, 686; Relinquishment of debt, 687; Foreclosure, of doubtful legality, 688; No redress against directors, 690; Government ownership, 693; Compromise measures, 694; Reor- ganization on basis of lower inter- est and gradual payment of prin- cipal, 699
REASONABLE RAILWAY RATES, 335-60; Rates the real railway question, 335; Rates not generally excess- ive, 336; Difficulty of maintaining high rates, 340; Existing rates from investors' outlook, 342; Relation of revenues to capitalization, 348; Is capitalization excessive, 352; Im- possibility of apportioning indi- vidual rates to cost, 356; Outlook for satisfactory rates, 359
Report on railways in Massachusetts, 786
Securities of, as a basis for bank notes, 539
"Union Pacific Railway," by J. P. Davis, reviewed, 114-16.
See also Street Railways. Referendum, proposed in Kansas, 621 Rent. "History of the General Doctrine of Rent," by C. W. Macfarlane, note, 315
RENT AND PROFIT, 90-103; Confusion of modern terminology, 90; Two forms of surplus, 92; Recognition of them inadequate with Commons, 93; Hobson, 95; Clark, 96; Should both forms be called rent, 100; Price determining surplus should be called profit, 102
"Repudiation of State Debts," by W. A. Scott, reviewed, 136-37 Revue du Droit public, note, 147 Roads. IMPROVEMENT
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"Spencer Herbert, An Introduction to the Philosophy of," by W. H. Hudson, reviewed, 593-94 Spoils system, 669 Social History, "Soziale Kämpfe vor dreihundert Jahren," by B. Schoen- laube, reviewed, 771-72 Socialism. "Brook Farm," by J. T. Codman, reviewed, 967-69
"Geschichte des antiken Kommunis- mus und Socialismus," by R. Töhl- maun, reviewed, 606-08
A NEGLECTED SOCIALIST (William Weitling), 718-39; Socialism be- fore 1848, 718; Early life of Weit- ling, 721; Residence in Paris, 722; Associations in Zurich, 725; Publi- cations in America, 730; His analy- sis of social forces, 731; Origin of private property and money, 733; Ideal social state, 734; Weitling's
place in history of socialism, 737
Social Question, "La Question sociale est une question morale," by T. Zieg- ler, note, 787
Social Questions, recent literature on, 650, 825, 1012
Church work with reference to, 818 Social Struggle. "Les Luttes entre soci- étés humaines et leurs phases succes- sives," by J. Novicow, reviewed, 598-
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