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The officers of the Association shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, whose term of office shall be one year; six members of the Publication Committee and six elected members of the Executive Committee, whose term of office shall be three years, and who shall be so classed that the term of two members of each committee shall expire each year; provided that the office of Secretary and that of Treasurer may be filled by the The Executive Committee shall consist of the Presi dent, the Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Chairman of the Publication Committee, the ex-Presidents, and six elected members.

same person.



1. The President of the Association shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall prepare the programs for the annual meetings. In case of his disability, his duties shall devolve upon the Vice-Presidents in the order of their elec tion, upon the Secretary, and upon the Treasurer.

2. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Association and perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may assign to him.

3. The Treasurer shall receive and have the custody of the funds of the Association, subject to the rules of the Executive Committee.

4. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the general interests of the Association in the interval between annual meetings. It may fill vacancies in the list of officers, and may adopt any rules or regulations for the conduct of its business not inconsistent with this constitution or with rules adopted at the annual meetings. It shall act as a committee on time and place of meeting, and perform such other duties as the Association shall delegate to it. A quorum shall consist of five members, other than the Vice-Presidents and the ex-Presidents.

5. The Publication Committee shall have charge of the publications of the Association.




Amendments, after having been approved by a majority of the Executive Committee, may be adopted by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Association.


*Life Members.


Honorary Members.

NOTE.-The figures in parentheses after the name of a member indicate

the year from which dates his continuous membership.

ABBOTT, EDITH, Hull House, Chicago, Ill. (1905)

ABBOTT, LYMAN, 287 Fourth Ave., New York City. (1886)

ABRATANI, JIRO S., 1125 Tribune Bldg., New York City. (1902)

ADAIR, CHARLES R., Charletson, Ill. (1910)

ADAMS, ALTON D., Box 478, Worcester, Mass. (1905)

ADAMS, BROOKS, 229 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.


ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, South Lincoln, Mass. (1899)

ADAMS, HENRY CARTER, 1417 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. (1886)

ADAMS, JAMES TRUSLOW, Summit, N. J. (1908)

ADAMS, SAMUEL BARNARD, Savannah, Ga. (1911)

ADAMS, THOMAS SEWALL, Wisconsin Tax Commission, Madison, Wis. (1900) ADAMS, W. R., 354 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. (1911)

ADAMS, WILLIAM WISNER, 111 June St., Fall River, Mass. (1901)

ADKINSON, HENRY M., Telluride, Colo. (1911)

ADRIANCE, W. M., 45 Wiggins St., Princeton, N. J. (1904)

AGAR, JOHN G., 31 Nassau St., New York City. (1909)

AGGER, EUGENE Ewald, 248 E. 105th St., New York City. (1902)
AIMES, HUBERT H. S., West Haven, Conn. (1911)


ALDEN, JOHN, 1171 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. (1909)
ALDRICH, EDWARD I., 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass. (1909)

ALDRICH, MORTON ARNOLD, Tulane University, New Orleans, La. (1897)
ALEXANDER, BERT, 613 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. (1911)

ALEXANDER, MAGNUS W., General Electric Co., West Lynn, Mass. (1909) +ALFRED UNIVERSITY READING ROOM, Alfred, N. Y.

ALLEN, BENJAMIN F., Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Mo. (1911)
ALLEN, FREDERICK B., 132 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. (1909)
ALLEN, FREDERICK L., 55 Cedar St., New York City. (1909)
ALLEN, FREDERICK W., 33 Wall St., New York City. (1911)
ALLEN, GEORGE HENRY HOWLAND, New Bedford, Mass. (1887)

ALLEN, JOHN ROBERT, Georgetown, Texas. (1891)

ALLEN, WILLIAM FREDERICK, South Orange, N. J. (1887)
ALLENDOERFER, C. W., C/o First National Bank, Kansas City, Mo. (1911)
ALLISON, H. O., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1909)
ALLISON, J. L., P. O. Box 24, Montreal, Can. (1911)

AMES, CHARLES HENRY, 110 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. (1900)


AMRATH, J. W., 3701 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, Md. (1909)
AMSTER, NATHAN L., 6 Hawes St., Brookline, Mass. (1909)
AMSTUTZ, P. D., Pandora, Ohio. (1910)

ANDERSON, BENJAMIN M., 1201 Paris Road, Columbia, Mo. (1911)

ANDERSON, FRANK BARTOw, The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. (1909)


ANDERSON, FRANK F., 1969 Marshall Ave., Merriam Park, Minn. (1909)
ANDERSON, GEORGE W., 85 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass.
ANDERSON, JOHN M., Box 143, Fargo, N. D. (1910)

ANDREW, A. PIATT, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. (1896)

ANDREWS, FRANK, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. (1904) ANDREWS, FREDERICK W., 253 Broadway, Providence, R. I. (1909)

ANDREWS, JOHN B., Metropolitan Bldg., New York City. (1910)

ANDREWS, MARTIN R., Marietta, Ohio. (1909)

ANDREWS, W. H., 79 Tonawanda St., Buffalo, N. Y. (1910)

ANGIER, E. H., Quincy, Mass. (1909)

ARBUTH NOT, CHARLES CRISWELL, 10523 Wilbur Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. (1904) *ARMSTRONG, H. C., JR., Auburn, Ala. (1887)

ARMSTRONG, SARA, 102 Talbot Ave., Dorchester, Mass. (1911)

ARMSTRONG, S. T., Katonah, N. Y. (1910)

ARNER, GEORGE B. L., Hanover, N. H. (1909)

ARNOLD, B. W., College Park, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va. (1907)

ARNOLD, J. H., Glendale, Md. (1899)

ARNOS, E. M., Olivet College, Olivet, Mich. (1911)

ARNOULT, ALBERT E., 126 N. Prieur St., New Orleans, La. (1911)

ASHLEY, R. L., 685 Prospect Square, Pasadena, Calif.

ATKINS, EDWIN F., 10 Broad St., Boston, Mass. (1909)
ATKINSON, FRANKLIN P., Great Falls, Mont.



ATKINSON, THORNTON CAMDEN, Wilmington, N. C. (1909)

[blocks in formation]

AUSTIN, CHARLES B., Grinnell, Iowa. (1911)

AUSTIN, JAMES M., Ellendale, N. D. (1911)

AUSTIN, OSCAR PHELPS, Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. (1902)

AUTRY, JAMES L., Drawer 109, Sta. A, Houston, Texas. (1910)

*AVERY, ELROY MCKENDREE, 2831 Woodhill Road, S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. (1893)

AVERY, NOYES L., 47 Barclay St., Grand Rapids, Mich. (1904)

AVERY, SAMUEL P., Hartford, Conn. (1910)

BABSON, ROGER W., 31 Abbott Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. (1910)
BACON, CHARLES F., 151 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. (1909)
BACON, NATHANIEL TERRY, Peacedale, R. I. (1902)

BAGGE, GOSTA ADOLPH, 19 Birgerjarlsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden. (1904)
+BAHR'S BUCHHANDLUNG, Berlin W. 8, Mohrenstrasse 6, Germany.
BAILEY, WILLIAM BACON, 22 Lynwood St., New Haven, Conn. (1901)
BAILIE, WILLIAM, 82 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass.


BAILY, JOSHUA L., 32 South 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. (1909)
BAIRMAN, WILLIAM M., The Telegraph, Macon, Ga. (1907)
BAKER, ALFRED L., 209 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. (1909)

BAKER, CHARLES WHITING, 220 Broadway, New York City. (1900)

BAKER, MOSES NELSON, 220 Broadway, New York City. (1890)

BAKER, RAY STANNARD, Amherst, Mass. (1910)

BAKER, WILLIAM B., C/o Atlantic Ice and Coal Co., Atlanta, Ga. (1909)

BALCH, EMILY GREEN, Wellesley, Mass. (1896)

BALDWIN, ARTHUR C., P. O. Box 7, Boston, Mass. (1909)

BALDWIN, FOY SPENCER, 12 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. (1899)
*BALDWIN, SIMEON EBEN, 69 Church St., New Haven, Conn. (1893)
*BALDWIN, SUMMERFIELD, 1006 Charles St., Baltimore, Md. (1887)
BALDWIN, WILLIAM H., 1415 21st St., Washington, D. C. (1905)
BALDWIN, W. W., Burlington, Iowa. (1910)

BANCROFT, WILLIAM P., Wilmington, Del. (1910)

BANKS, ENOCH MARVIN, Newnan, Ga. (1903)

BARD, HARRY E., Apartado 283, Lima, Peru, S. A. (1910)

BARNARD, J. LYNN, 108 East Greenwood Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. (1909)

[blocks in formation]

BARNETT, GEORGE ERNEST, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1901) BARNS, WILLIAM EDDY, St. Louis, Mo. (1887)

BARRETT, DON CARLOS, Haverford, Pa. (1895)

BARRON, CLARENCE W., Box 231, Boston, Mass. (1909)

BARROWS, WILLARD P., 1051 69th Ave., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. (1910) BARSTOW, GEORGE E., Barstow, Texas. (1910)

BASS, GEORGE A., Missouri Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (1911)

BATCHELLER, ROBERT, 723 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. (1887) BATES, CHARLES FITCH, 86 Linden St., Allston, Mass. (1909)


BATTERSON, ELMER S., 4556 North Paulina St., Chicago, Ill. (1909)

BAUER, JOHN, 325 Dryden Road, Ithaca, N. Y. (1909)


BEAL, THOMAS A., Ephraim, Utah. (1909)

BEAMAN, GEORGE H., 2232 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. (1910)
BEARDSLEY, CHARLES, Clarks, Nebr. (1898)

BECKWITH, HOLMES, 1086 Amsterdam Ave., New York City. (1910)
BEER, GEORGE LOUIS, 329 W. 71st St., New York City.


BEER, WILLIAM, Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La. (1896)

BEHREND, Bernard Arthur, 442 John Hancock Bldg., Boston, Mass. (1911) BEIDLER, FRANCIS, 115 Adams St., Chicago, Ill. (1909)

BELCHER, ALICE E., Lebanon, N. H. (1910)

BELL, SPURGEON, Columbia, Mo. (1910)

BELLER, WILLIAM FRANK, 51 E. 123d St., New York City. (1892)

BEMAN, LAMAR T., 1939 E. 86th St., Cleveland, Ohio. (1905)

BEMIS, A. FARWELL, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (1909)

BEMIS, EDWARD WEBSTER, 106 Hamilton Ave., New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. (1886)

BENNETT, G. W., The Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, Ohio. (1911)

BENNETT, WILL EARNEST, 312 So. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. (1910)

BENNEY, WILLIAM M., Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. Y. (1910)
BENOIST, LEE, Bank of Commerce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (1911)
BENSON, B., 37 Wall St., New York City. (1911)

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