Imagens das páginas

ELIOT, Editor, Letters of John Stuart Mill. By S. M. Macvane 800

ELLWOOD, Sociology and Social Problems. By A. B. Wolfe ... 138
Employment of Married Women and Infantile Mortality. By
W. B. Bailey. . . . .

ERGANG, Maschinenproblem. By A. Youngman

FAIRCHILD, Greek Immigration to the United States. By P. F.



GEBHARDT, Die französische Steuerreform. By W. W. Swanson 126

GEORGES-CAHEN, Les Fonctionnaires: Leur Action Corporative.
By G. E. Barnett....

GEORGES-LEVY, Banques d'Emission et Trésors Public. By C.
A. Conant

GHENT, Socialism and Success. By D. Y. Thomas..

GIDE and RIST, Histoire des Doctrines Economiques. By J.


GILBRETH, Motion Study. By E. L. Thorndike.
GILLETTE, Vocational Education. By C. De Garmo.
GOLDSCHMIDT, Die deutsche Seefischerie in der Gegenwart und
die Mittel zu ihrer Hebung. By E. J. Clapp . . . . .
GRANICHSTAEDTEN-CZERVA, Probleme der modernen Volkswirt-
schaft. By J. H. Gray.







[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

HENDERSON, Correction and Prevention. By F. A. Fetter
HERBERT, Police Générale des Grains. By J. H. Hollander
HILL, The Public Domain and Democracy. By H. R. Hess.
HOBSON, The Industrial System. By A. S. Johnson...
HOFFMAN, Geldhandel der deutschen Juden. By J. Klein
HOLCOMBE, Public Ownership of Telephones on the Continent
of Europe. By C. F. A. Currier...

HOLLANDER, David Ricardo. By G. R. Wicker




VON JURASCHEK, Otto Hübner's Geographisch-statistische Ta-
bellen. By W. B. B... . . . .


KANTOROWICZ, Kartell-Probleme. By F. Walker.


KELLY, Twentieth Century Socialism. By R. T. Ely

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

MARTINEAU, Sugar. By E. V. D. Robinson..

MATHEWS, The Conservation of Water. By E. V. D. Robinson.
MAUNIER, L'Economie Politique et la Sociologie. By C. A. Ell-


[blocks in formation]

PERSONS and others, Labor Laws. By F. T. Carlton ..

PHILLIPOVICH, Die Entwicklung der wirtschaftspolitischen

Ideen. By J. H. Hollander..


PORRITT, Revolt against the New Feudalism in Canada. By

O. D. Skelton

POWELL, A Suffolk Hundred in the Year 1283. By H. Gray.. 329
PRION, Preisbildung an der Wertpapierbörse. By D. F. Grass 353
Report of the Barge Canal Terminal Commission of the State


of New York. By E. J. Clapp
Report of the Commission on Country Life. By J. C. Marquis. 567
Report on Income Tax Administration. By C J. B. ..... 130
Report of an Investigation as to the Cost of Establishment of
Retirement Systems for Employees. By M. H. Robinson... 622

Report of the Massachusetts Commission on Old Age Pensions.

By M. H. Robinson...

Report on Water Terminals. By W. H. Lough..

[blocks in formation]

SCHREINER, Woman and Labor. By K. H. Claghorn...
SCHULTZE-GROSS BORSTEL, Streifzüge durch das Nordamerikan-
ische Wirtschaftsleben. By E. L. Bogart....



SCHUMPETER, Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen
Nationalökonomie. By G. R. Wicker.....


SMITH, Legal Tender Essays. By H. L. Lutz..

[blocks in formation]



State and Local Taxation. By E. T. Miller.
STOISER, Verkehrsgeographic. By A. L. Bishop
STREIGHTOFF, The Standard of Living among the Industrial
People of the United States. By R. C. Chapin.
SULLIVAN, American Corporations. By J. H. Gray.
SURFACE, Story of Sugar. By E. V. D. Robinson..







[blocks in formation]


VAN HISE, The Conservation of Natural Resources in the U. S.
By E. V. Robinson....


VEDITZ, Child Labor Legislation in Europe. By E. Abbott... 110
VOGELSTEIN, Organisations formen der Eisenindustrie und Tex-
tilindustrie in England und Amerika. By A. Berglund.... 842

VOUTERS, Le Petit Commerce contre les Grands Magasins. By

T. K. Urdahl.

VROOMAN, American Railway Problems. By E. R. Dewsnup. 95
VROOMAN, American Railway Problems. A Communication. By

C. Vrooman

DE WAHA, Die Nationalökonomie in Frankreich. By G. A.

[merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Compensation Act, Massachusetts. By Carroll W. Doten .... 899 Compensation Act Unconstitutional, New York. By John Bauer 684 Compensation Act of 1911, Ohio. By M. B. Hammond ...... 637 Coöperative Movements


Demography and Statistics


.162, 411, 631, 893

Employers' Liability Act, California. By C. W. D.

Finance, Public

Industries and Commerce

Insurance and Pensions

.171, 425, 652


168, 424, 643, 906 .161, 409, 629, 892

174, 915

[blocks in formation]

Prices, Canada, 1910, Wholesale. By Warren M. Persons
Railroad Legislation in California. By Stuart Daggett

Rates. By J. H. Clark

[blocks in formation]

Rates of Express Companies in Canada. By A. N. Holcombe. 415 Rates, Supervision of. By A. N. Holcombe


Single Tax Movement in Oregon. By F. G. Young


State and Local Taxation, Fifth Conference. By H. L. Lutz.. 910 Taxation in California, Reform of. By C. C. P.


Tax Law of 1911, Ohio's One Per cent. By M. B. Hammond 648
Tax, Wisconsin Income. By T. S. Adams
Telephone Reports, Chicago. By A. N. Holcombe


Accounting, Business Methods, and Investments
Agricultural Economics

Business Organization

Commerce and Industry

Corporations and Trusts

Economic History and Geography


Insurance and Pensions

Labor and Labor Organization

906 412

183, 938 177, 655, 922

.184, 984 182, 433, 981 ..665, 986

.176, 427, 658, 654


.196, 447, 680, 958 ...185, 484, 668, 988 188, 191, 436, 670, 944

[blocks in formation]

.197, 448

Population and Migration

.194, 445, 679, 968

[blocks in formation]

Transportation and Communication ..179, 428, 481, 660, 664, 924 EIGHTH LIST OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY



199, 452, 685, 970

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