ELIOT, Editor, Letters of John Stuart Mill. By S. M. Macvane 800 ELLWOOD, Sociology and Social Problems. By A. B. Wolfe ... 138 ERGANG, Maschinenproblem. By A. Youngman 181 DE FELICE, Les Naissances en France. By W. F. Willcox... FISHER, The Purchasing Power of Money. By D. Kinley. GEBHARDT, Die französische Steuerreform. By W. W. Swanson 126 GEORGES-CAHEN, Les Fonctionnaires: Leur Action Corporative. GEORGES-LEVY, Banques d'Emission et Trésors Public. By C. GHENT, Socialism and Success. By D. Y. Thomas.. GIDE and RIST, Histoire des Doctrines Economiques. By J. GILBRETH, Motion Study. By E. L. Thorndike. 858 853 581 135 821 808 GRICE, National and Local Finance. By H. B. Gardner. GUYOT, Economic Prejudices. By C. W. Mixter.... HARLEY, The New Social Democracy. By Scott Nearing. HARPELL, Canadian National Economy. By O. D. Skelton 388 HARPER, The Social Ideal. By G. R. Wicker.... HENDERSON, Correction and Prevention. By F. A. Fetter HOLLANDER, David Ricardo. By G. R. Wicker HOWARD, Money and Banking. By W. C. Mitchell HUEBNER, Property Insurance. By A. L. Bishop.. HUSBAND, A Year in a Coal Mine. By R. H. 620 591 888 VON JURASCHEK, Otto Hübner's Geographisch-statistische Ta- 891 KANTOROWICZ, Kartell-Probleme. By F. Walker. 844 KELLY, Twentieth Century Socialism. By R. T. Ely LANDA, The Alien Problem and its Remedy. By P. F. Hall .. 874 LANZILLO, Mouvement Ouvrier en Italie. By F. A. McKenzie. 368 LEONHARD, Agrarpolitik in Spanien. By J. Klein LEROSSIGNOL, Socialism in New Zealand. By P. Kennaday.... 402 LESCOHIER, The Knights of St. Crispin. By G. E. Barnett.. 109 LEXIS, Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre. By L. H. Haney.. 546 LORIA, Contemporary Social Problems. By H. E. Mills MACHEN, Corporation Tax Law of 1909. By M. H. Robinson. 602 MARTINEAU, Sugar. By E. V. D. Robinson.. MATHEWS, The Conservation of Water. By E. V. D. Robinson. wood. MCFARLAND, New England Fisheries. By C. R. Fish MCPHERSON, Transportation in Europe. MEADE, Corporation Finance. By M. B. Hammond. MENY, Le Travail à Domicile. By E. Duke... NEARING, Social Adjustment. By R. C. Chapin... NEARING, Solution of Child Labor Problem. By E. Abbott NEUMANN, Die deutsche Schiffbauindustrie. E. J. Clapp.... NEUMEISTER, Grundlagen für die Eisenindustrie. E. D. Jones 89 NIEBOER, Slavery as Industrial System. By U. G. Weatherly.. 327 PASSY, La Vie Economique. By R. Meeker PERSONS and others, Labor Laws. By F. T. Carlton .. PHILLIPOVICH, Die Entwicklung der wirtschaftspolitischen Ideen. By J. H. Hollander.. 80 PORRITT, Revolt against the New Feudalism in Canada. By POWELL, A Suffolk Hundred in the Year 1283. By H. Gray.. 329 826 of New York. By E. J. Clapp ROSCHER, Die Kabel des Weltverkehrs. By A. N. Holcombe.. 829 RUSSELL, Constructive Socialism. By B. H. Hibbard... RUSSELL, Why I am a Socialist. By J. Martin. . . . SAINT-LEON, Le Petit Commerce Français. By P. S. Peirce.. 831 SCHREINER, Woman and Labor. By K. H. Claghorn... 812 556 SCHUMPETER, Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen 318 SMITH, Legal Tender Essays. By H. L. Lutz.. SNEDDEN, Problem of Vocational Education. By C. De Garmo 185 SOLENBERGER, One Thousand Homeless Men. By W. Kirk.. 884 SPARGO, Karl Marx. By F. A. Fetter... SPEDDEN, The Trade Union Label. By J. M. Motley 112 596 State and Local Taxation. By E. T. Miller. 382 886 ... 618 841 889 TAYLOR, Principles of Scientific Management. By E. D. Jones. 833 TARIFF REFORM LEAGUE, Pamphlets. By S. Litman. THALLER, Syndicats Financier d'Emission. By A. A. Young.. 588 TREAT, The National Land System. By A. B. Hart.. TSCHIERSCHKY, Kartell und Trust. By F. Walker... .... VAN HISE, The Conservation of Natural Resources in the U. S. 88 VEDITZ, Child Labor Legislation in Europe. By E. Abbott... 110 VROOMAN, American Railway Problems. By E. R. Dewsnup. 95 C. Vrooman DE WAHA, Die Nationalökonomie in Frankreich. By G. A. WARSCHAUER, Die monographische Darstellung der Aktienge- WAXWEILER, Bulletin Mensuel de l'Institut de Sociologie Solvay. 552 WEBB, English Poor Law Policy. By J. R. Brackett........ PAGE Compensation Act, Massachusetts. By Carroll W. Doten .... 899 Compensation Act Unconstitutional, New York. By John Bauer 684 Compensation Act of 1911, Ohio. By M. B. Hammond ...... 637 Coöperative Movements Corporations Demography and Statistics 917 .162, 411, 631, 893 Employers' Liability Act, California. By C. W. D. Finance, Public Industries and Commerce Insurance and Pensions .171, 425, 652 901 168, 424, 643, 906 .161, 409, 629, 892 174, 915 Prices, Canada, 1910, Wholesale. By Warren M. Persons Rates. By J. H. Clark Rates of Express Companies in Canada. By A. N. Holcombe. 415 Rates, Supervision of. By A. N. Holcombe 681 Single Tax Movement in Oregon. By F. G. Young 648 State and Local Taxation, Fifth Conference. By H. L. Lutz.. 910 Taxation in California, Reform of. By C. C. P. 169 Tax Law of 1911, Ohio's One Per cent. By M. B. Hammond 648 PERIODICAL ABSTRACTS: Accounting, Business Methods, and Investments Business Organization Commerce and Industry Corporations and Trusts Economic History and Geography .... Insurance and Pensions Labor and Labor Organization 906 412 183, 938 177, 655, 922 .184, 984 182, 433, 981 ..665, 986 .176, 427, 658, 654 966 .196, 447, 680, 958 ...185, 484, 668, 988 188, 191, 436, 670, 944 .197, 448 Population and Migration .194, 445, 679, 968 Transportation and Communication ..179, 428, 481, 660, 664, 924 EIGHTH LIST OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY NOTES 212 199, 452, 685, 970 |