Imagens das páginas

SMITH, S. B. Liability for industrial accidents. Mines and Mining, March, 1911.

TAYLOR, B. The labor treaty in the British ship-building industry. Eng. Mag., May, 1911.

Describes the important agreement made in March, 1911, between the Ship-building Employers' Federation and the ship-yard unions. The chief purpose of the agreement is to prevent stoppage of work pending the settlement of disputes.


La journée de neuf heures dans les mines de houille. Rev. d'Econ. Polit., Mar.-Apr., 1911.

WESTERGAARD, H. Om Arbeidslöshed. Nationalökonomisk Tidsskrift, Mar.Apr., 1911.

A discussion of the experience of two decades in dealing with the problem of employment.

WOLFF, H. Der Ausbau Arbeitsnachweises. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., April, 1911. A comparative study of the German, English, French, and Swiss systems of public employment offices.

Compulsory workmen's compensation act unconstitutional. N.

Y. Dept. of Labor Bull., March, 1911.

The full text of the decision in the Ives case.

Money, Credit, and Banking

(Abstracts by Fred Rogers Fairchild)

ALDRICH, N. W. Relation of trust companies to monetary reform. Trust Cos., May, 1911.

ALVIA, G. Di un indice che misura l'impiego monetrio dell'oro relativamente

a quello dell'argento e le sue variazioni dal 1520 ad oggi. Giorn. d. Econ., April, 1911.

Supplies a formula to explain the historical discrepancy between the exchange ratios of gold and silver and the ratios of the existing quantities of these metals.

BORGATTA, G. Il saggio dell'interesse ha tendenza a rialzare? Rif. Soc., Feb.,


Contrary to usual supposition, the rate of interest tends now to rise, accompanying more or less strictly the rise in commodity prices. CONANT, C. A. The way to attain and maintain monetary reform in LatinAmerica. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., May, 1911. Pp. 10. Explains the "gold exchange standard" as adopted in British India, the Philippines, Mexico, etc., and advocates its adoption in the countries of Latin America.

CORN WELL, W. C. The Reserve Association, controlled by the banks of the country. Moody's Mag., May, 1911. Pp. 7.

Summarizes and explains the Aldrich plan, especially the method of choosing the directors of the local associations and of the branches. Argues that Wall Street cannot control the system.

ESCHWEGE. Banken für zweite Hypotheken. Die Bank, 1911, No. 3.

FISHER, E. D. Financial feudalism and a central bank. Forum, May, 1911. Pp. 9.

Tabular analysis of the Aldrich plan with brief favorable comment. FORGAN, J. B. Possibilities of Senator Aldrich's suggestions for monetary legislation. Journ. Am. Bankers' Assn., May, 1911. Pp. 6.

Analysis of the Aldrich plan, with criticism and suggestions. Urges refunding of the 2 per cent bonds on an investment basis, and broadening of the plan to take in State banks and trust companies. Judgment is favorable to the plan as a whole.

HEPBURN, A. B. Trust companies and clearing houses. Trust Cos., May, 1911. HOLLANDER, J. H. The development of the theory of money from Adam Smith to David Ricardo. Quart. Journ. Econ., May, 1911. Pp. 42.

An analysis of the contributions of various writers to the theory of money from 1776 to 1810, showing to what extent they anticipated the views of Ricardo.

HOUGHTON, A. Lettre d'Espagne. L'Economiste Français, April 29, 1911. Pp. 3.

Abstract of the report of the governor of the Bank of Spain to the stockholders for the year 1910.

KNIFFIN, W. H., JR. Figuring interest in the savings bank. Banker's Mag. (N. Y.), June, 1911. Pp. 10.

Discusses such technical questions as the relative merits of monthly and quarterly interest payment, days of grace, rules for distributing and calculating interest, etc.

LAING, A. Banking in mediaeval Florence. Scottish Banker's Mag., April, 1911. Pp. 16.

A disconnected and superficial description.

LANSBURGH, A. Der Bankausschuss. Die Bank, May, 1911. Pp. 10.

Advocates the establishment of an expert commission to have oversight over the German banks and to advise the government on matters of banking, credit, etc.

LANSBURGH, A. Zur Charakteristik des österreichischen Bankwesens. Die Bank, 1911, No. 3.

Lepelletier, F. La fonction sociale des caisses d'épargne. Réf. Roc., Mar. 16, 1911. Pp. 15.

The necessity of saving and the important function of savings institutions. Brief account of the origin of savings banks and their spread over the whole world. The service of postal savings banks in making saving easy for the laboring class. Savings banks should be as free as possible from legal restrictions upon their investments, in order to enable them to perform the maximum of social service.

MARTINEZ-SOBRAL, E. Banking in Mexico. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., May, 1911. Pp. 9.

An account of the banking system of Mexico as established by the law of 1897. Some statistics of assets and liabilities.

MITCHELL, W. C. The publications of the National Monetary Commission Quar. Journ. Econ., May, 1911. Pp. 31.

A careful review of all the publications of the commission (49 separate works), with the single exception of "The Banks of Issue in Italy." PAGE, E. D. Opposition to bills of lading and sales of goods bills. Proceedings Merchants' Assn. of N. Y., May, 1911. Pp. 7.

Brief of the Association's Committee on Commercial Law in opposition to certain features of two bills before the New York Legislature. PANTALEONI, M. Considerazioni sulle proprietà di un sistema di prezzi politici. Giorn. d. Econ., Jan., 1911.

"Political prices" are prices that vary according as the buyer (or seller) has or lacks certain political, social, ethical, religious, national, physiological or other characteristics. Such prices are, by many examples (the tax is typical) distinguished from "economic prices." For many reasons, they are likely to be increasingly prevalent in the future. RAFFALOVICH, A. La Banque de Russie. L'emission fiduciaire. L'Econ. Française, May 20, 1911. Pp. 3.

Brief history of the Imperial Bank of Russia, being a review of "La Banque Imperiale de Russie," published in 1910 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Bank's foundation.

REITSCHEL, SIEGFRIED. Die Münzrechnung der Lex Salica. Viertelj. für Soc. und Wirtsch., Vol. IX, Nos. 1, 2, 1911. Pp. 53.

A discussion of the date of the Salic Law, in reply to essays by Luschin von Ebengreuth and Benno Hilliger, both of whom claim to have shown, from evidence based on the use of monetary terms, that the Salic Law originated at a date considerably later than the one accepted by legal and historical authorities. A critical examination of the evidence leads the writer to the conclusion that this claim of Luschin and Hilliger is not true.


Le crédit agricole mutuel. Dans le départment des Hautes-Pyrénees. Le Musee Social Mémoires et Documents, Supplement aux Annales, May, 1911.

SAMEZEUILH, F. Les banques privées. Revue Economique de Bordeaux, Mar.-Apr., 1911. Pp. 15.

Explains the functions of the private banks as distinguished from the credit societies; the latter discount commercial paper, the former finance commercial and industrial enterprise by granting uncovered credit, a business of considerable risk. Regrets the decline of private banks and emphasizes their economic and social services.

SMITH, H. Seddelbankreformen i de nordamerikanaske Fristater. Nationalökonomisk Tidsskrift, Mar.-Apr., 1911.

Senator Aldrich's plan for currency reform briefly outlined and commented upon.

STEVENSON, C. W. Looking toward branch banking. Bankers' Mag. (N. Y.),

May, 1911. Pp. 6.

In opposition to branch banking and a central bank. Does not discuss fundamental considerations.

SUBERCASEAUX, G. The monetary system of Chile. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., May, 1911. Pp. 24.

History of the paper money system, with special reference to the action of the Government in connection with the panic of 1907. VECCHIO, G. DEL. Il premio sull'oro. Giorn. d. Econ., April, 1911.

A comparative study of the policies of English and French banking institutions with reference to the premium on gold-how it arises, how it is managed, what is its internal and general significance. The inferences concern mainly Italy.

WOLFF, H. W. L'aiuto dello stato al credito popolare. Rif. Soc., May, 1911. Government aid to people's banks is unnecessary; coöperative organization will discover sufficient resources. Written apropos of an agitation to introduce state aid in Italy.

WOLFF, H. W. Coöperative credit. Sociological Rev., April, 1911. Pp. 14.

A statement of elementary principles and practical rules of coöperative banking, with reference to the establishment of such banks in England.

Pp. 3.

Coöperative credit societies and land. Quart. Rev., May, 1911.
The Indian currency. Bankers' Mag. (London), May, 1911.

A brief account of the growth of the note issue of the Currency Department with statistics showing the amount of issue and the character of reserves from 1864 to 1911.

Pp. 4.

Bank of England. Statist (Banking Section), May 13, 1911.

Brief historical sketch.

The most recent developments of agricultural coöperation in Germany. I. The rural banks. Bull. of Bureau of Econ. and Social

Intelligence (Rome), March, 1911. Pp. 24. A full and detailed account of the work of the rural coöperative banks, with full statistics covering generally the years 1892-1908. The new organization of agricultural credit in Holland. Bull. of Bureau of Econ. and Social Intelligence (Rome), March, 1911. Pp. 8. Historical and statistical account of the origin and business of cooperative banks.

Agricultural coöperative credit in British India. Bull of Bureau of Econ. and Social Intelligence (Rome), March, 1911. Pp. 17. Includes four articles on "Loans by credit societies for the repayment of debts to money lenders," "Legislation and state intervention in regard to agricultural organization," "Work of the federations and

central institutions of coöperative societies and of the large associations," and "Miscellaneous information," besides an address by Sir John Hewitt, Lieut. Gov. of the United Provinces.

Review of second volume of the Law papers published by the Connecticut Historical Society. Nation, June 8, 1911.

The Law papers contain some interesting material on colonial paper


Proportion of cash to deposits. Bankers' Mag. (London), May, 1911. Pp. 27.

An elaborate statistical summary and analysis relating to the banks of Great Britain and Ireland during 1910.

Public Finance

(Abstracts by C. C. Williamson)

BOGART, E. L. History of the state debt of Ohio. II. Journ. Pol. Econ., May, 1911. Pp. 19.

The second installment. Deals chiefly with the history of Ohio's sinking fund policy.

BONNARD, R. La compensation comme mode d'extinction des créances publiques. Rev. de Sci. et de Légis. Fin., Jan.-Feb.-Mar., 1911.

A study, largely juristic, of the policy of allowing claims of citizens against the state to be offset by taxes and other public charges.

BUCK, L. Die weitere Entwicklung der Einkommen- und Vermögenbesteuerung in Preussen. Finanz-Archiv, 1911. Pp. 45-140.

An authoritative discussion with full citation of the documentary and other literature, tracing the origin and development of this most important tax.

D. D. Den nya tyska värdesstegringskatten. Ekonomisk Tidskrift, No. 4,


An analysis of the new German unearned increment tax.

DONALD, W. J. Land grants for internal improvements in the United States. Journ. Pol. Econ., May, 1911. Pp. 7.

A brief historical and statistical study based on a government report published in 1908.

DUNN, A. W. The government and business methods. II. World's Work, May, 1911. Pp. 9.

Describes the symptoms of the "pork-barrel disease"-the cause of enormous waste in our army and navy expenditures.

FERSCH, H. Die Wehrsteuer (eine vergleichende Studie). Finanz-Archiv, 1911. Pp. 167-210.

A lengthy discussion of the history and principles of tax payments in lieu of compulsory military service in various European countries. Texts of the laws are appended.

GILBERT, J. H. Tax apportionment in Oregon. Pol. Sci. Quart., June, 1911.

Describes Oregon's experience with under-assessment and unequal

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