Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature1903 |
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Página 2
... mind . The gracious phrase of Monsieur de Vogüé not only aroused European at- tention , but was welcomed in Italy , and sank deep into the finer national consciousness . The distinguished French critic was accepted as a prophet . For ...
... mind . The gracious phrase of Monsieur de Vogüé not only aroused European at- tention , but was welcomed in Italy , and sank deep into the finer national consciousness . The distinguished French critic was accepted as a prophet . For ...
Página 3
... mind , the cry of egoism , of the supreme egotist . It is because of this triple element in contemporary Italian ... minds rather than in the " immagine fluente " pre- sented by the ampler but confused mir- The present hour is as ...
... mind , the cry of egoism , of the supreme egotist . It is because of this triple element in contemporary Italian ... minds rather than in the " immagine fluente " pre- sented by the ampler but confused mir- The present hour is as ...
Página 9
... mind , Already , we perceive , Italy has left behind the conditions indi- cated by Lamartine in a once notori- ous passage of the " Pèlerinage d'Harold , " where she is alluded to as Poussière du passé , qu'un vent stérile agite , a ...
... mind , Already , we perceive , Italy has left behind the conditions indi- cated by Lamartine in a once notori- ous passage of the " Pèlerinage d'Harold , " where she is alluded to as Poussière du passé , qu'un vent stérile agite , a ...
Página 12
... mind habitually apt to lose its equilibrium , as with the author of " Thus spake Zarathustra . " He gathers up all the hopelessness of Italy , of the world , of the human soul ; moulds it in tears and longing , and the unutter- able ...
... mind habitually apt to lose its equilibrium , as with the author of " Thus spake Zarathustra . " He gathers up all the hopelessness of Italy , of the world , of the human soul ; moulds it in tears and longing , and the unutter- able ...
Página 19
... mind , that he may henceforth bear in mind , the memorable words of Sainte - Beuve , " C'est à ce lendemain sévère que tout artiste sérieux doit songer . " And what better watchword could he , too , have than that of his master , the ...
... mind , that he may henceforth bear in mind , the memorable words of Sainte - Beuve , " C'est à ce lendemain sévère que tout artiste sérieux doit songer . " And what better watchword could he , too , have than that of his master , the ...
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Palavras e frases frequentes
Ada Negri admirable Antonio Fogazzaro Arturo Graf Austen barn owl beautiful birds called century chaffinch character Church Contrexéville doubt England English eyes face fact feeling feet Festus France George Eliot girl give hand head heart hedge Hittite hour human interest Jane Austen Karuizawa lady land less light live London look Lord Lord Grey Lord Palmerston matter ment mezzotint miles mind Miss Moggy moral morning nation natural selection nature ness never night Non-Jurors novel Olmet once Othello passed passion perhaps poem poet poetry political poor Queen race raven round Russian seems side sion song soul spirit stars story tain tell things thought tion to-day turn verse voice whole woman women words write young