A Voice from the Motherland: Answering Mrs. H. Beecher Stowe's Appeal

Trübner and Company, 1863 - 46 páginas

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Página 4 - Convention to be less rigid on points of inferior magnitude, than might have been otherwise expected; and thus the Constitution, which we now present, is the result of a spirit of amity, and of that mutual deference and concession which the peculiarity of our political situation rendered indispensable.
Página 36 - ... time recommend that all citizens of the United States who shall have remained loyal thereto throughout the rebellion shall (upon the restoration of the constitutional...
Página 9 - ... we appeal to you very seriously to reflect and to ask counsel of God how far such a state of things is in accordance with his holy word, the inalienable rights of immortal souls, and the pure and merciful spirit of the Christian religion. We do not shut our eyes to the difficulties, nay, the dangers, that might beset the immediate abolition of that long-established system. We see and admit the necessity of preparation for so great an event ; but, in speaking of indispensable preliminaries, we...
Página 10 - England as to the real issues of the conflict in America. It has been often and earnestly asserted that slavery had nothing to do with this conflict ; that it was a mere struggle for power ; that the only object was to restore the Union as it was, with all its abuses. It is to be admitted that expressions have proceeded from the national administration which naturally gave rise to misapprehension, and therefore we beg to speak to you on this subject more fully.
Página 8 - The time has come, however, when such an astonishing page has been turned in the anti-slavery history of America that the women of our country, feeling that the great antislavery work to which their English sisters exhorted them is almost done, may properly and naturally feel moved to reply to their appeal, and lay before them the history of what has occurred since the receipt of their affectionate and Christian address.
Página 35 - December he would recommend the enactment "of a practical measure" offering to all slave states not then in rebellion against the United States and having "voluntarily adopt[ed] immediate, or gradual abolishment of slavery within their limits," the same type of "pecuniary aid" as he had offered the border states in March.
Página 7 - Already, more than once had these contests for power risen to a height threatening the safety of the Union, when the great question of freedom against slavery grew to a more dreadful struggle than any that had yet convulsed the United States of America.
Página 5 - Civis" looked lower than the surface, he would have recognised Slavery as the element of that "corruption" which was "sapping the vitals of all that remained really sound in the Commonwealth.
Página 4 - States to mutual concessions for the common safety and welfare, lay the only hope of the Constitution being permanent.
Página 5 - By an unceasing flood of emigration, continual additions were daily made to the population of citizens ignorant of the lessons of the past, and caring little for the real welfare of the United States, led only by some party cry of the hour.

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